Friday, September 20, 2024 - 11:57 am
HomeTop Stories"Catalonia is governed beyond the Palau de la Generalitat"

“Catalonia is governed beyond the Palau de la Generalitat”

The Catalan president, Salvador Illasaid he was “very clear” that Catalonia is governed “beyond the Palau de la Generalitat” and that is why, in addition to exploring its territory, will travel regularly across Spain: “We want to listen because agreements are always possible.”

With these words he ends a day in Madrid, during which he was received by the King Philip VIthe first president of the Generalitat to visit Zarzuela since 2015, together with Artur Más, and the first since 2011 to celebrate the Diada festival in Madrid. A celebration that took place at the headquarters of the government delegation in Madrid, and during which the president assured “that he was very aware of the noise, the difficulties and the speeches “sometimes with catastrophic intentions”, but above all “Catalonia and Spain”. have made more progress when they have shared hope and optimism.

“It is Catalonia that has returned, a Catalonia full of hope, optimistic, seriously involved in the improvement of Spain” and that has as its objective “a Europe with a federal horizon”, he stressed in his speech. La Diada stressed before the first vice-president of the government, María Jesús Montero, and several ministers who were among the guests, “it is an invitation to add, to share, to live together“.

“This is how we feel and we want to transmit it,” said Illa, convinced that to recover the climate of calm and stability, personal and emotional bridges, “windows of communication and knowledge,” are essential. A stability that Illa believes he will achieve “after difficult years in which too much energy has been wasted.”

“Bridges must be built, these bridges must be crossed, you have to look for yourself and you have to work to reach agreements“, said Salvador Illa. After the speeches of the delegate of the Catalan Government, Núria Marín, and Illa, several musical groups performed habaneras and traditional Catalan songs.




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