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HomeLatest NewsCedillo values ​​the work of the Madridejos City Council to promote tourism

Cedillo values ​​the work of the Madridejos City Council to promote tourism

The president of the Provincial Council of Toledo, Concepción Cedillo, has valued the work carried out by the City Council of Madridejos (Toledo) for promote tourism in the city, a task in which she has the support of the institution, “as part of the commitment of my government team to promote in our municipalities activities that create new opportunities for growth and employment.”

This was stated during the meeting he had, together with the deputies Pilar Martín and Manuel Galán, with the mayor of the city, Francisco López, with whom he reviewed some of the initiatives of the City Council in this regard, such as the promotion of the San Sebastian Festival, the “5th National Quick Painting Competition: Wines of La Mancha” and the celebration of World Tourism Dayall presented to the provincial institution.

Likewise, they highlighted the commitment to disseminate the environment and the natural environment of Madridejos through the Nature Class “Valdehierro”, included in the “Network of environmental equipment of the province of Toledo” or the inclusion of the ornithological observatory of Madridejos in the Network of Lookouts and Observatories of the Province of Toledo.

“These are just a few examples of cooperation of the Provincial Council of Toledo in this objective of Madridejos, which we undoubtedly share,” stressed Cedillo, who highlighted the importance of collaboration with the city councils “to ensure together that the province continues to advance.”

For his part, the mayor of Madridejos thanked the provincial institution for its support and transmitted to the president of the Provincial Council of Toledo other projects that the City Council wishes to launch, such as the improvement of its situation as a National Geodesic Center.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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