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HomeLatest NewsCelebration of the first Majorcan Pastry and Oven Festival

Celebration of the first Majorcan Pastry and Oven Festival

The Consell of Mallorca governed by the PP-Vox coalition held this Saturday the first Pastry and Oven Festival of the island, an event to highlight the local product and in which a total of eight traditional pastries and ovens from Mallorca for their career and their contribution to local gastronomy.

A tribute that was celebrated within the framework of the celebration of the Day of Mallorca, where bakers, pastry chefs and companies offering local products received awards from the president of the Consell, Llorenc Galmesand the Minister of Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate.

At the graduation and awards ceremony (a siurell wearing an ensaimada), the president of the island institution highlighted “the great variety of pastries and artisan ovens that exist throughout Mallorca, which have experienced survive the passage of time, and which have been passed down from generation to generationby betting on tradition and preserving a gastronomic heritage that is very much ours.

Likewise, Galmés indicated that “these products are linked to ours family celebrations, to our parties, in short to our Majorcan essence It is therefore a satisfaction that we celebrate this festival and that these well-deserved diplomas are awarded within the framework of the Diada de Mallorca.

For her part, the Minister of Economic Promotion and Local Development agreed to highlight “the relevance of our sweetest gastronomic heritagewhich is closely linked to our traditions, our culture and our festivals and which, today, has managed to remain very much alive, thanks to people like those to whom we pay a small tribute today.

“They all knew how to combine, with skill and great art, the the oldest recipes with the new trends in the world of gastronomy so that we can enjoy artisan breads and sweet cuisine and quality local products,” he assured.

These are the award-winning Majorcan companies

• In the category of Prize for tradition, local product and consistency Three diplomas were awarded: Es Forn (Maties Miralles); Pomar Pastries (Fátima Pomar Oliver and Maties Pomar Oliver) and Ca’n Roca (Antònia Roca Soler, Toni Roca Soler and Jaume Roca Soler).
• He Innovation Award This was the case for Ninumá (Ariana Salvador Avila).
• He Creativity Award was awarded to Fornet de la Soca (Tomeu Arbona).
• He Revelation Oven Awardfor UCO Bakery (Caterina Stanton and Gustavo Alem).
• He Award for the recovery and defense of Mallorcan native floursfor Stéphane Carayon Santandreu.
• He Oven and Pastry Mold Recovery Award; a life producing and recovering typical Mallorcan moldsfor Molds and Floor Lamps Bárbara-Art (Bienne Cortés).

The first Festival of Pastry and Ovens of Mallorca took place in the gardens of the Cultural Center La Misericordia in Palma, an activity that is part of the celebration events of the Day of Mallorca and that highlighted the product of Mallorca as the protagonist, those ingredients necessary for the manufacture of desserts and artisan breads.

Seven traditional ovens from the island participated: Pastelería Pomar, Hornet de la Soca, Trias Pastissers, L’Oliva, Dulcelíaco, Horno Ca na Juanaineta and Narez y Cuart.

The three masters of ceremonies were Koldo Royo (head and president of the ASCAIB association); Elias Sanchez (publicist and presenter of Fibwi), and Michel Serra (to cook).

The gastronomic event, which had a successful participation of the public, consisted of a free tasting of typical pastry and oven products of the island. The ensaimadas, folded dishes (sweet and salty), among other traditional delicacies of Mallorcan gastronomy and in a space dedicated to live cooking, in which each participating establishment will have time to demonstrate their cooking techniques, were not missing.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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