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HomeLatest NewsCeuta border closed intermittently as some 200 migrants attempt to cross fence

Ceuta border closed intermittently as some 200 migrants attempt to cross fence

State security forces and bodies in Ceuta intermittently close the Tarajal border that separates Ceuta from Morocco in response to the attempted entry of more than 200 migrants through the double fence.

Police sources informed EFE that since 11:00 in the morning, they have had to adopt the measure of intermittent closure of customs in order to better control the people who try to jump over the fence on the side closest to customs. About 200 migrants, including sub-Saharans and Moroccans, are carrying out this attempt in the area known as Finca Berrocal, located next to the Ceuta border.

The Civil Guard remains deployed in the area with a special device, although, for the moment, none of the migrants have managed to reach the double fence, located ten meters high.

The Moroccan gendarmerie also had to deploy numerous troops around the fence to control the situation since the migrants had headed towards a hill near the customs to try to make this group entry. Morocco dispersed dozens of people gathered in the mountains near the border, after a night in which groups of young people roamed the streets of the Moroccan border town of Fnideq (Castillejos), ready to try to cross following an Internet call.

The Government Delegation confirmed to EFE that no one has entered and that the situation is controlled by Moroccan forces deployed on the other side of the barrier.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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