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Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approves that President Boric and his ministers submit to mandatory doping tests

Chile’s Chamber of Deputies approves that President Boric and his ministers submit to mandatory doping tests

The Chilean Chamber of Deputies has approved a measure aimed at forcing the country’s president, Gabriel Boric, and the members of his cabinet submit to tests to detect if they have consumed any type of narcotic substance.

The initiative was approved within the framework of the debates taking place in the Chilean Chamber to approve the country’s budget for next year and received a total of 81 votes for, 4 abstentions and 35 votes against.

According to the approved text, “the President of the Republic, his ministers of state and undersecretaries must submit semi-annually to control the consumption of narcotic or psychoactive substances.

Initially, the Chamber Council did not accept the proposal, but it was later taken into account and supported even by certain parties allied to the Chilean president.

In addition to the leader of the left Frente Amplio Gabriel Boric, the tests will be compulsory for all his ministers and undersecretaries for at least next year.

The government announced that it would present a question of constitutionality, while the opposition assured that it was fair that the measure, which It was already effective for the members of the House, will affect the members of the Executive and its president.

The measure was approved just days after Boric changed the heads of five undersecretaries, including that of Crime Prevention, a day after ruling out any major ministerial adjustment under strong pressure from the opposition.


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