Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 3:46 am
HomeChina faces problems despite expanding navy: BI

China faces problems despite expanding navy: BI

The shipbuilding industry, according to Business Insider, is becoming the center of this process.

Despite significant progress in modernizing its navy, China faces corruption and uncertainty about the future needs and capabilities of shipyards. Over the past year, more than a dozen top military and defense industry executives have been fired, including two defense secretaries.

According to journalists, the Chinese shipbuilding industry has a capacity that, according to estimates by the US Office of Naval Intelligence, is 230 times greater than that of the United States. China controls approximately 50% of the world’s shipbuilding capacity.

The publication highlights that the new Fujian aircraft carrier represents an important technological advance. It is equipped with an electromagnetic catapult, allowing it to launch heavy, high-performance aircraft more efficiently.

It is also planned to complete the construction of the first Yulan-class landing ship (Type 076), which will be the largest in the world and can be used as a platform for drones. The Pentagon projects that China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy, already the largest in the world, will grow to 435 warships by 2030.

Media reports on the expansion of the renovated Jiangnan shipyard on Changxing Island, which will be merged with the Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard. Brian Hart, a member of the China Energy Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, noted that such a company has no analogues in the world. He also added that no other country has the resources to change its industrial base on such a large scale.

China is confidently moving towards military superpower status, and a strong navy is a key element on this path, experts emphasize. A senior researcher at the China Energy Project at CSIS noted that China is a completely different player in the military shipbuilding industry.

Previously, Kursor reported that China, Brazil and eight other countries called for preventing the use of nuclear weapons.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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