Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 7:22 am
HomeBreaking NewsChina opposes sanctions pressure on Belarus

China opposes sanctions pressure on Belarus

China has always opposed interference in Belarus’ internal affairs. This was announced today, September 5, by the Chinese ambassador to Minsk, Xie Xiaoyong.

“China has always firmly supported Belarus in safeguarding state sovereignty and national dignity, opposed external forces’ interference in Belarus’ internal affairs, opposed unjustified unilateral sanctions against Belarus, and also supported Belarus’ official entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.” – said.

The diplomat also noted that “the Belarusian side provides strong support to the Chinese side on issues related to China’s core interests and major concerns, including the issue related to Taiwan, Xinjiang and Hong Kong.”

“Belarus also actively participates in the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, the Global Civilization Initiative and other ideas and concepts proposed by China.” Xiaoyong reminded.

The head of the diplomatic mission of the People’s Republic of China also considers it important for both countries to strengthen coordination within the framework of international multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Recall that Belarus has been under strict Western sanctions since 2020. After the creation of the Northern Military District in Ukraine, the pressure on Minsk increased. Beijing has repeatedly stated that it opposes the sanctions policies pursued by the United States and its allies.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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