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Chivite and its partners continue to do everything possible to bring more minerals to Navarre

He Plenary of the Parliament approved this Thursday, with the votes service of the PSN, EH Bildu Geroa Bai, PPN and Contigo-Zurekin, the abstention of the UPN and the vote in against Voxa resolution by which the House “shows its support for the amendment of article 35 of law 4/2000in order to establish binding and supportive mechanisms that contribute to guaranteeing the rights of migrant children, regardless of their national, ethnic or social origin, race or religion.

The approved resolution includes a second point in which, with the same support, the Regional Executive is called to “continue to respect the agreements established last year for the accommodation of unaccompanied minors and the new commitments of the Sectoral conference of Childhood organized in the Canary Islands in July 2024.

Likewise, in a third section, the Parliament of Navarre urges the Ministry of Children and Youth to “continue promoting measures to guarantee the rights of migrant children.” Vox voted against and the others spoke out service.

Likewise, the Foral Legislature obliges the parliamentary groups of the Congress of Deputies to “support the modification of article 35 of the Immigration Law, relating to unaccompanied minors.” The UPN has abstained And Vox voted against.

The PPN presented a amendment of substitution at points 1 and 4, accepted by Contigo-Zurekin, by which it is agreed to require the State to assume the extraordinary expenses that the CCAA, “with their exceeded assistance capacity”, are obliged to incur in order to provide reception of migrant minors.

In the exposure of reasonsGP driven resolution With you-Zurekin recalls that the protection of the best interests of the minor “is not only a legal mandate, but a moral imperative”, which is why the implementation of “effective and coordinated policies at state and autonomous level which, regardless of the legal situation, since it is a humanitarian emergency”, are capable of establishing “binding and supportive mechanisms that facilitate the care and social inclusion of migrants”.

In this context and after having underlined the “responsibility” of public authorities when it comes to “guaranteeing the well-being and integral development of minors”, as stipulated in the different national and international treaties and legal systems, including at the Foral level, the tradition of Navarre stands out as a “welcoming land” and it is urgent to reach the necessary agreements to offer an “immediate and effective response” to the migratory emergency, particularly visible in the Canary Islands and Ceuta.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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