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Chronicle: The name of the town of Qamishli was changed due to the saying “gold is like garbage on us” in the embassy

Within the framework of the Chronicle of West Azerbaijan project, the next edition of the column “Our Heritage” was prepared under the presentation of Doctor of Philosophy in Art Studies Elchin Alibeyli.

Oku.Az reports that today’s issue titled “The Rumbasar road in Zarkand, where the market of the Byzantines is located” examines the history, heritage, monuments and cultural examples of Zarkand located in the Basarkechar (Vardenis) district of the district by Goycha.

The town was reported to have been founded in the late 15th century (1480) and early 16th century (1510). The first name of the village was related to the name of the Qamishli spring until 1890-1892.

The plot touches on the history of the name of Zarkandin, which was built in 1480 on the site of the ancient village of Kalafalar: “A group of village elders goes to the neighboring village of Gizilveng to send a girl. During the mission, one of the elders told the ambassadors that this is Gizilveng. The ambassadors who come to this town to buy a girl need gold. One of the ambassadors quickly responded that the story that happened during the embassy spread to all the towns. called Zarzibil from 1890-1892. It was Zarzibil until January 3, 1935. The third name of the town, Zarkand, means “Gold” and “Town” from January 3, 1988 was in Zarkand until December of the year.

It should be noted that Azerbaijanis lived in the village from 1831 to 1988. The village is located 17 kilometers from the center of the Basarkecher district. On January 3, 1935, the village was renamed Zarkand and on April 19, 1991, the village was renamed Kut.

In the plot it is clarified that the gold extracted by mining method 1800 years ago, the Rumbasar road in Zarkand, where the Byzantine market is located, and the remains of the ancient settlement inhabited by the Turkish tribes of Goros, are cleaned and processed. .

In general, the goal of the “Our Heritage” project is to preserve, revive and promote our heritage, which is disappearing in the regions and villages of Western Azerbaijan, as well as to investigate the great Turkish traces with the testimonies and conversations of villagers, historians. , ethnologists, ethnographers, folklorists.

It should be remembered that the goal of the Western Azerbaijan Chronicle project is to preserve and promote the name of our historical lands, as well as to learn about the deportation of Azerbaijanis by the Armenians, the toponyms that existed in those territories, but their names. Countless examples of underground and surface material culture have been erased: ancient settlements, necropolises, tumuli, remains of a castle, palace and fortification, caravansary, bridges, funerary chests, stone crosses, statues of horses and rams, temples, churches. Mosques, pyres and homes are revealed, and facts confirming that the area is a pure Oghuz-Turk settlement are communicated to the world community.

Also the president Ilham Aliyev Regarding Western Azerbaijan, he said: “The map of the beginning of the 20th century shows once again that Western Azerbaijan is the historical land of Azerbaijan, the names of cities and towns are of Azerbaijani origin and we know very well that Azerbaijanis on the territory of present-day Armenia throughout history people have lived. Now the main task is for the world community to also know it”, – in his opinion, it is about promoting the duties that arise from the Concept of Return developed by him. the Community of West Azerbaijan.

Furthermore, it aims to illuminate the thoughts of historians and researchers about Western Azerbaijan and the life history of the people who were deported.

In the detailed plot:

Chronicle: The name of the town of Qamishli was changed to the words “gold is like garbage in our country.”

Chronicle: The name of the town of Qamishli was changed to the words “gold is like garbage in our country.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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