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HomeLatest NewsCivil Guard investigates two people who shot cats in Valladolid

Civil Guard investigates two people who shot cats in Valladolid

They are charged with alleged animal abuse and illegal weapons possession in two separate incidents.

A Civil Guard agent recovers the bullets from one of the two cases civil guard

Civil Guard investigates to two people for an alleged offense of animal abuse and illegal possession of weapons in two various facts related to shooting cats in Valladolid.

He first case This happened in the town of Renedo de Esgueva, in Valladolid. It was in the early morning of August 24 when a person with a long gun equipped with a rifle scope and using his flashlight shot a domestic cat it was in many

During the corresponding inspection, the Civil Guard found on the ground three 22 caliber bullet casings as well as the animal. They then proceeded to collect the body and the rest of the evidence to carry out the corresponding operations. expert reportsas reported this Saturday by Benemérita in a press release.

The person investigated was a hunter and is familiar with the use of weapons. However, you are currently not authorized to use them. For this reason, the Civil Guard is initiating criminal proceedings not only for an alleged crime against animals, but also for the crime of possession of long weapons without the necessary licenses or permits.

The second fact This happened in Cuenca de Campos. An individual injured a cat that was on the wall of the land where he lives. It was the owner himself who listened two shots and he saw his cat walking quickly and scared towards him, watching him bleeding from the neck area. The feline suffered various injuries, but thanks to the intervention of veterinarians managed to survive.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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