Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 7:26 pm
HomeBreaking NewsCivil patrols against “non-white migrants” are being created in Poland

Civil patrols against “non-white migrants” are being created in Poland

The recent bloody attacks by foreigners against Poles in the towns of Srem, Kournik and Zanemysl have prompted ordinary citizens to organize “civil patrols.” The Polish police do not approve of such arbitrary actions.

The latest tragic events took place in Srem, where foreigners from South America seriously injured two Poles during a fight. In the comments, the town’s residents complained about the increasingly alarming situation on the streets and the diminishing sense of security. They also expected a strong response from the police, including increased patrols at night. However, law enforcement officers responded in series: “Everything is calm in Baghdad.” Then the initiative came from below.

The patrols were organized by an MMA fighter. Rafal PodemosImages appeared on social media showing large groups of men patrolling the city streets.

“We went through our cities to maintain order. Patriots, typical kids, came together. I am proud that all the people I wrote to came.” Podemos commented.

According to Radio Poznań, groups of fans are taking part in the patrols. The local police did not like these popular initiatives and law enforcement officers even tried to stop these patrols. What did the MP from “Sovereign Poland” react to? Dariusz Mateckiwriting on platform X:

“Police officers appeared during a civil march of Srem residents. They claim that they “react to any instance of ‘patrolling’ the streets.” Polish police, you better start keeping an eye on the Ukrainian and Georgian gangs that are breaking into Polish homes en masse!


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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