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Clavijo accuses Sánchez of treating miners “like boxes of oranges”, but the government blames the PP

The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijowho announced Monday his intention to sue the government for “abandonment of functions” in the management of the migration crisis, accused Pedro Sánchez of having handed over unaccompanied migrant minors to him. “like crates of oranges.” On the Executive side, they throw the ball back and blame the PP for having left them “blocked” by not supporting the reform of the immigration law.

Clavijo defended this judicial process against the government for its “passivity” on the arrival of these miners, stating that “the patience of the Canarian people”, after a year of waiting and “silence” from La Moncloa, “had to end” at some point.

He detailed that he had asked the legal services to analyse this question in three ways: administrative, criminal and constitutional. “Firstly administrative, because the State hands over the minors to us as if they were crates of oranges, no fingerprints or ID“, he explained in an interview with Telecinco. And secondly, the constitutional and, finally, the criminal, because “We fear that the state will abandon these minors.”

“This legal debate that could have taken place and that will take place now, necessarily, given the attitude of the State,” said Clavijo, who recalled that he had been knocking on the door of the central government for at least a year without finding an answer or a solution.

He also accused Sánchez’s government violated the 2014 Convention against the Smuggling of Migrants by introducing minors “without fingerprints, without photographs, without the possibility of identification.” “They do not respect the circulars of the public prosecutor concerning minors who come”he added.

In another interview, this time on Onda Cero, Clavijo He stressed that his objective is none other than “to defend the rights of minors, first and foremost, but also the situation in the Canary Islands.”

If the judicial measures, which “they are in the study phase”The result would be, according to him, that the central government should take care of the minors who arrive in this situation in the Canary Islands, “because when they enter the country, they do so with the help of the State authorities – Maritime Rescue and National Police – and, therefore, they do not find themselves in a situation of abandonment or helplessness, as provided for in Law 96, according to them.

The government accuses the PP

The government’s response was not long in coming. The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabelle Rodriguezassured this Tuesday that Fernando Clavijo is wrong to point the finger at the government because the one who left it “blocked” is its partner, the PP, by not supporting the reform of the immigration law.

“I believe that the President of the Canary Islands is wrong and that The complication was generated by its government partner, Mr. Feijóo, who in absolute irresponsibility has refused to even debate a bill, will not support it, but rather that within Congress we can address this issue,” he said in an interview with Cuatro.

A proposal that, he recalled, was an initiative of the Canary Islands Executive supported by the PSOE, which requested the support of all groups.

Regarding the government’s refusal to declare an emergency as requested by the PP, Rodríguez limited himself to saying that the party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo cannot speak in these terms and at the same time refuse to collaborate through its autonomous communities to provide a humanitarian response.

Sumar’s position

Sumar, a government partner, took advantage of this situation to ask the PSOE not to “fall into the temptation” of using the right wing arguments on immigration “placing expulsions in the resolution of the problem, because this is neither the recipe nor the discourse” which are imposed on this question.

To resolve the migration crisis, which particularly affects the Canary Islands, the Minister of Culture and spokesperson for Sumar, Ernest Urtasunhas opted, among other tools, for regularization, “legal entry routes” into Europe and collaboration with the countries from which migrants leave.




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