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HomeBreaking NewsClavijo and Feijóo come together to denounce the government on the migration...

Clavijo and Feijóo come together to denounce the government on the migration crisis and showcase their unity

The leader of the Popular Party is going to Tenerife this Tuesday to meet Fernando ClavijoPresident of the Government of the Canary Islands. The quote aims to send several messages about the immigration crisis. Mainly, to the PSOE and the government. But also to the Spanish and the NGOs that work with migrants.

Alberto Nuñez Feijoo will be received by Clavijo and both will show their unity in the “migratory emergency” against the Spanish government. This has been confirmed by sources on both sides of this newspaper. Both will express that the four points that the PP has requested to negotiate with the minister Angel Victor Torres The reform of the immigration law is shared by the Canary Islands and the popular islands. And that “it is the government that wants to sit down and negotiate.”

The key is here: the PP and the Canarian Coalition (CC) govern the islands together. And since the beginning, it has maintained common positions. It turns out that Clavijo, out of institutional loyalty, did not want to participate in a “political conflict” that, according to him, was more in Madrid than on the islands.

In fact, the Canary Islands Migration Pactwhich brings together all the parties with regional parliamentary representation except Vox, agreed last week on a common position. And the PSOE of the Canaries also sits on this forum, alongside the CC and the PP.

Last Friday, Feijóo gathered his regional presidents in Madrid, to stage the unity of all the autonomous power of the people, the overwhelming majority in Spain. Although there was a plenary session in the Autonomous Parliament on migration, he attended this meeting Manolo Dominguezleader of the Canarian PP and vice-president of the islands. And in this forum he intensified his work with the other popular barons and his mediation with Feijóo.

Today, the work is bearing fruit with this meeting, during which The President of the Canary Islands moves on to another type of actionjoining his voice to that of the main opposition party. Because, more than two weeks after the meeting that the head of the island’s Executive finally managed to obtain with Pedro Sanchez In La Palma, Clavijo has already gone on the offensive.

Change of strategy

The emergence of boats and cayucos does not stop at the islands. And this weekend more than 200 new people in an irregular situation to its shores. Currently, the island executive protects more than 5,300 unaccompanied minorseven though last week Clavijo already sat down at the table and announced that he refused to continue assuming more threats.

“They are not neglected, when they are collected on the high seas, they are under the protection of the state,” he said. Since then, His government demanded that the Spanish government “comply with the protocols”which slows down identifications and referrals to NGOs, partly facilitating the process. Meanwhile, the children are temporarily housed in tents, where they receive shelter and food.

The Canarian president demands, like the PP president, that the government implement funds to help the Autonomous Communities, assume their part of the responsibility in times of excessive “overpopulation” of the centers. In addition, call the Conference of Presidentswith migration as the agenda item, and to declare the migration emergency so that the LACC can contract and bid without restrictions.

But above all, that Torres provide the result of the study promised by Minister Torres in a secret meetingon August 12th. In other words, the figures of minimum and maximum places for each LACC, for the management of minerals.

When Sánchez received Clavijo on August 23, he promised him “the strongest will to carry out the reform of The law was agreed with the PP in a few weeks“. Since then, he has not received any calls. And the PP confirms that There were no new meetings with the minister to negotiate.

Also in this quote, Sanchez offered 50 million euros additional for the Canary Islands, and Clavijo reminded him that, just this year, has already spent more than 150 million of their regional budgets to deal with the migration crisis.

This Monday, the president of the island once again requested these funds and “last week, the government approved 34 million for all autonomies”, underlines with a certain sarcasm a source from his entourage.

The Canary Islands government says it is waiting for the Council of Ministers on Tuesday to make a gesture. In the meantime, Feijóo and Clavijo will publicly stage their unity. “They want Breaking the government coalition in the Canary Islands using the humanitarian crisisbut they will not succeed,” said a spokesman close to the island’s president.




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