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Clavijo and Feijóo reach agreement on immigration policy to present to central government

Laura Bautista

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the president of the government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, announced an agreement on immigration policy This would allow the crisis to be “unblocked” by signing a text which will be made available to the central executive.

The text, which they called “Action Plan against the lack of control of migration”, includes nine points, with decisions on the distribution of migrant minors. Feijóo assured that he “agreed” with the Canarian government and that “given the inaction of the government”, they had decided to take the initiative.

After a meeting between the two leaders, he was shot an agreed text which includes, among other measures, that it must be included in the Immigration Law that the Government will be the one to finance the care of unaccompanied migrant minors when 100% of the capacity of an autonomous community is exceeded as well as the management, in addition to the financing, when the capacity is exceeded by 150%.

The text requires the urgent convening of the sectoral conferences of Immigration and that of Children and Youth for agree on the distribution criteria between communities and the government; ensure that no community is exempt from receiving unaccompanied minors; ensure that minors are minors before transferring them; make empty and unused state administration infrastructure available to communities with the necessary resources for reception and accommodation and to finance a contingency fund for communities to provide economic and financial resources to support minors until their emancipation.

He also urges the urgent convening of the Conference of Presidents; declare a national immigration emergency; ensure border control with improved police control, a transit passport, more human and material resources, an immigration police service, the deployment of forces in transit and origin countries, and ask the EU to Frontex deployment and the European Asylum Office. It also calls for an increase in staff responsible for processing return files; activating EU mechanisms such as the transfer of migrants to other Member States; the full use of all available European funds; intensifying Spain’s foreign action with its countries of origin; and examining the flow of information between communities and central government.

The text in turn demands the implementation of the European Pact on Migration and Asylum; and to ratify all these points at the Conference of Presidents and the corresponding sectoral conferences.

The president of the Popular Party stressed that he is “the only party that considers that solidarity is not negotiable” and that immigration policy is “a matter of state”. He disfigured Sánchez who, according to him, “wants the Canary Islands to pay for their lack of immigration policy”, something to which “the PP is not going to consent”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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