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Clavijo and Vivas will meet in Ceuta to demand “a state agreement against the migratory emergency”

The presidents of the Canary Islands and Ceuta have decided to hold a summit of leaders affected by the migration crisis. Fernando Clavijo And Juan Jesus Vivas A meeting is planned for them in the autonomous city this Wednesday, as this newspaper has learned.

Clavijo will travel to Ceuta, meet with Vivas and also seek to meet Sira RegoMinister of Youth and Children, expected that day in Ceuta. After the emergency summitThis September 4thBoth are expected to appear before the media at a joint press conference.

The President of the Canary Islands has requested economic and logistical aid from the government of Pedro Sanchez. Vivas asked for “help” more than two weeks ago, after seeing in August how the pressure from swimmers who arrive at Tarajal beach, coming from Castillejos (Morocco).

The islander, leader of the Canary Islands Coalition (CC), governs the islands in coalition with the Popular Party. Ceuti is one of the oldest barons of the PP. And both try to maintain “institutional loyalty” to Sánchez’s executive, even if, in private, their environment points the finger at the government as being use minors as pawns in a “political conflict”.

This Wednesday, Minister Rego is scheduled to visit Ceuta, she promised with the advisor to the Presidency, Alberto Gaitánon the ground weeks ago. And the Government of the Plaza de España in North Africa says it hopes that Rego will comply by carrying his ministerial portfolio “something more than words”.

The data

Its competence over minors in Spain and, although it is a policy transferred to the Autonomous Communities, the decision depends on it. coordination with the rest of the regional governments for the processing of transfers agreed last July, during the sector conference.

There are more than 5,300 unaccompanied foreign minors in the Canary Islandsand only last July the derivation of 347 to the Peninsula. In the case of Ceuta, these are more than 500 menand the agreement provides for the departure of 87 boys and girls.

A cayuco filled with adult and minor migrants, this Saturday, upon arrival at the port of La Restinga, in El Hierro, Canary Islands (Spain).


From 1,100 oresThe islands cannot “comply with international treaties that grant rights to minors” above those who arrive as adults. In Ceuta, the places are prepared for 88 minors. “We can reach temporarily up to 130“But what is happening now is inhumanity,” admitted a spokesman for the Ceuta administration.

Rego’s responsibility, accepted by the minister according to the sources consulted, is also to mediate with the other members of the Council of Ministers. Essentially, with Inclusion, to streamline the paperwork, and with Defense, whose owner, Marguerite Roblesthe transfer of army facilities is required.

For now, Canary Islands are refusedOnly Ceuta has been offered buildings by the Armed Forces: one is unusable, and the other, a wing of the old military hospital, is still being inspected to verify that it meets health standards and must accommodate minors.

“Not temporarily, but to stay”recalls a source from the Ceuta executive. Because the school year begins soon, and they need to be educated…

This is another. The two Communities recall that the rights of minors, particularly protected – and the reason why the Government “doesn’t care”, as some interlocutors of this newspaper privately denounce – do not only imply a ceiling. Also guardianshipservices sanitaryattention psychosocialteachers of Spanish

Political loyalties

With this meeting and the press conference that followed, Clavijo and Vivas want to publicly show what their governments have been doing for some time. That they are working together to ensure that the solidarity promised by the rest of the CCAA translates into action. “It’s a country problem”Gaitán explained this the other day in an interview with EL ESPAÑOL.

Canary Islands President Fernando Clavijo during an appearance this summer.


The two presidents want to design common strategies in the face of the political blockade that does not provide a solution to the problem. “humanitarian emergency” that thousands of unaccompanied foreign minors are suffering on the islands and in the autonomous city.

The government of Ceuta assures that it has a direct line with Feijóo, in Madrid, and “the loyalty and total collaboration” of Moncloa. But “you’re welcome” helps you.

The Canary Islands resident feels trapped by “a political conflict” that he suspects is based on the results of the last regional elections: then, the PSOE lost the government because of an agreement between the CC and the PP… and the person to whom Pedro Sánchez entrusted the ministerial coordination of this crisis is, precisely, the minister Angel Victor Torresthe island’s defeated former president.




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