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HomeBreaking NewsClavijo considers suing government for 'abandonment of functions' in Canary Islands migration...

Clavijo considers suing government for ‘abandonment of functions’ in Canary Islands migration crisis

Fernando Clavijo The Government Council of the Canary Islands will meet this Monday, to which it will propose to sue the Spanish government, “to settle” who should have nuclear competence in the care of unaccompanied foreign minors (menas).

The regional president accuses Pedro Sanchez to neglect the “humanitarian crisis” that the islands are experiencing due to the “migration emergency.” According to Clavijo, the situation “has gone beyond what is acceptable” this weekend with “pressure on NGOs” by the state government “and non-compliance with protocols”.

Ten days after his meeting with Sánchez at the headquarters of the government delegation on the island of La Palma, the Canarian leader feels disappointed by the attitude of the executive. And he accuses the president of using the miners as a bargaining chip in a “political conflict.”

According to his autonomous government, it is unacceptable that the central executive “disengages” by claiming that youth and childhood policies are transferred to the Autonomous Communities: “They are minors, but they are immigrants,” explained his Minister of Social Protection. Candelaria Delgadoin a recent interview with EL ESPAÑOL.

“In the Canary Islands we have more than 5,300 minors,” Clavijo said in statements to the newspaper, “and 1,100 of them come from Malia country at war… they are not migrants, They are asylum seekers! And we do not respect their rights”, because the Canary Islands cannot do it and Moncloa does not assume “its responsibility”.

Clavijo was outraged, denouncing that this weekend there was “Scandalous” situations.

The constant arrivals of cayucos in El Hierro represented a “before and after” for the government of the Canary Islands. “With State pressures and threats on NGOs “to welcome minors without being able to guarantee them adequate care. Obviously, if there is no loyalty and commitment, the government of the Canary Islands will put itself in its place.”

Clavijo believes that “what cannot happen is that the emergency becomes normal.”

Immediately, the Minister of Territorial Policy, Angel Victor Torrescame out to answer Clavijo. Tours accused the PP of being “the one who voted against” of the reform of the immigration law… and that the PP governs in coalition with the Canarian Coalition in the islands.

Torres succeeded Clavijo in the island’s government and returned control to him after just one term a year ago: “What the regional president is trying to do is protect your partner“attacking the government, instead of speaking out “in defense of the interests of the Canary Islands.”

“They are abandoning the Canary Islands”

But the truth is that the decision planned by the Canarian government for this Monday aims to open “a legal debate” with the State for the “abandonment of functions” who, according to Clavijo, practices in immigration matters and for the “lack of responses” to his request for shared custody of the minors.

“In the case of the Canaries, he is abandoning his functions. I do not know if the Spanish government is clear or not,” said the president of the Canaries in an interview with Canarias Radio, before meeting with his Council. “I am clear that Spanish government leaves Canary Islands abandoned and that is something that needs to be passed on.”

During his meeting with Sánchez, the Prime Minister promised “not to leave the Canary Islands alone”. And Clavijo himself responded, according to the sources consulted, that this is not the problem, because “the problem is not in the Canary Islands, it is a problem in Spain that is accumulating in the Canary Islands, but it is already the same in Ceuta”. and We are beginning to notice it in Alicante, in the Balearic Islands…“.

The leader also of the Canarian Coalition, which governs in coalition with the Popular Party, denounced that some “they confuse loyaltyunderstand and put the interest of the minor above all else with weaknessand they are wrong.” The message is a clear warning to the Minister of Territorial Policy, Angel Victor Torres (his predecessor as President of the Canary Islands), the interlocutor designated by Sánchez to coordinate immigration policy.

Clavijo believes that the time has come to take legal measures. The decision seems more than made, since the president himself assured that he would take it, this Monday afternoon, to the meeting of the Canary Islands Pact for Migrationa forum in which all the parliamentary forces of the islands participate, with the exception of Vox.

The President of the Canary Islands warns that “quiet” September, October and NovemberThe most pessimistic forecasts indicate that the year could end with up to 80,000 irregular migrants reaches the shores of the islands. And that means that the Canary Islands will experience “an emergency upon another emergency.”

The 81 centres for minors (compared to 33 before the crisis) are already “oversaturated”. And several of them “above 200%” of its capacity.




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