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Colau confirms he will leave Barcelona City Hall in October, but does not rule out running for mayor again

Former mayor and leader of Bcomú in Barcelona City Hall, Ada Colau, has announced her departure At the end of October, the Barcelona City Hall and then the joint management of the municipalitiesaccording to the note sent to activists this Sunday. But the former mayor did not rule out returning to run for mayor in the next municipal elections.

In his note, Colau specifies that he will stop to be an advisor at the end of October and will not stand for re-election as coordinator at the Catalunya en Comú assembly in November (also Jéssica Albiach and Candela López) and will strengthen their work within the party’s “think tank”, the Fundació Sentit Comú.

“I want to get more involved with the Space Foundation and I will discuss this with its board of directors in the coming days,” he explained to the activists. To justify his decision, he specified: “I see this whole process as a necessary step change. after 10 years.” “But that does not mean giving up what I consider to be my political space, where I will continue to campaign. A hug and see you soon,” he adds.

Does not rule out a return

“After eight years at the city hall, it is good to take a step back to gather ideas and listen to others,” she explained in an interview that will be published by the digital ‘Crític’ this Monday, and where she added that she will be linked to the Fundació Sentit Comú to build international alliances and rethink the strategy of the left.

When asked if he would run for mayor in the next municipal elections, he did not rule out leading the candidacy of the communes: “We will do our utmost to achieve this, including me in the first person. What role each will have in this process, we will see when the time comes.”

He also criticized the current mayor of Barcelona, ​​the socialist Jaume Collboni, who “has been a big disappointment“, although he argued that a mayoral position for the Junts candidate, former mayor Xavier Trias, would be worse, in his own words.

Regarding his party, he defended that in this mandate “the municipalities They must build an alternative for Barcelona from the opposition”, as well as in Parliament, where he believes that they can do more from the opposition than from the government.


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