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Colonies against France: a worthy response to the anti-Azerbaijani hysteria of political movements

France’s hysteria against Azerbaijan has finally received a decent response. International organisations and institutions opposed to the country’s colonial policy have issued a statement against the absurd claims of Emmanuel Macron’s government about the “persecution” and even “arrest” of French citizens in Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that the official statement from Paris recommended that French citizens refrain from visiting Azerbaijan. The Baku official called this statement part of anti-Azerbaijani hysteria and reacted harshly.

Now the Front for the Liberation of French Colonies has responded to the statement of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs regarding the travel warning to Azerbaijan. It was reported that although the Prime Minister of France has not yet formed his government, the measures of the outgoing Minister of the Interior and the alarming warnings of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Azerbaijan do not confuse anyone. The next step of the Government will undoubtedly be to completely ban “French nationals” from visiting the country in question. This decision contradicts “human rights” and the “free movement of people and goods” and will be completely illegal.

It is no secret that this hysteria in France has only one goal: to prevent the Baku Initiative Group from continuing to fulfil the mandate given to it by the Non-Aligned Movement within the United Nations. The mission of the Baku Initiative Group is to put an end to colonialism in the world.

It should be noted that the declaration was signed by the leaders of 14 political movements in the territories under the French colony.

It should be recalled that in July of this year the leaders of political parties and movements fighting for independence in the French colonies held their First Congress in Baku and established the Freedom Front of the French Colonies. Officials from 17 colonies of France and the Netherlands signed the Final Declaration on the establishment of the Freedom Front. The participants also approved the statutes of the Front.

In this way, a solid response has been given to the old phobias in Paris. This proves once again that Azerbaijan’s activities are going in the right direction. The activity of the Baku Initiative Group in this regard is unparalleled. The creation of this group was a great support to the peoples suffering from French colonialism. These nations transmit their true voices to the world through the mediation of this group. From this point of view, its activity in this direction can only be welcomed.

Throughout history, France has inflicted on these nations many wounds that have not yet healed. France has been enslaving peoples and communities living in small island states for years. What it did in Morocco and other African countries, it is now repeating in more island states. There are countries that call themselves independent, but are still under the influence of France. The atrocities committed by France over the years, the policy of invasion and exploitation, and colonial behavior have caused these people nothing but suffering and oppression. France is such a country that its colonial policy not only harms the peoples living in small island states, but all of humanity and progressive societies.

It is clear that France and its henchmen do not want to stop oppressing other nations. In particular, Armenia, which has received support from France for many years, has occupied Azerbaijani lands for 30 years and still does not abandon its revanchist policy. Paris also confuses Europe, small island states and other countries, while Armenia continues to engage in disruptive activities in the South Caucasus.

There is no other organization that exposes France’s disgusting crimes and inhuman colonial policy as accurately as the Baku Initiative Group. The series of events organized by the Baku Initiative Group plays an incomparable role in exposing France’s colonial policy. As a result of these actions, it becomes clear that France is a colonial power and oppresses the peoples of small island states. In the 21st century, in the new world, it is known that France still exists as a colonial power. These events support the peoples who suffered from French colonialism and expose the true face of France.

Among the complaints voiced by France is the alleged arrest and detention of its citizens in Azerbaijan. The response of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry to these accusations is strict and consistent. It was stated that France’s unfounded and biased statements reflect the intention of this country to further strain relations with Azerbaijan. The accusations of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs about the unjustified detention and arrest of French citizens were considered unfounded and a distortion of reality. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled that so far only two citizens of the French Republic have been detained in Azerbaijan: Martin Ryan was detained on December 4 last year under Article 276 (espionage) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Theo Hugo was detained for his actions in the Baku metro.

The reason for the latest provocative insinuations about Azerbaijan is clear. More and more victims of French colonialism turned their hopes to Baku for freedom and independence. And it seems to be no coincidence that the official declaration from Paris was issued after an international conference on the situation on the French-occupied island of Mayotte was held in the Azerbaijani capital. In other words, this warning can be regarded as a small and cheap “revenge” of the Elysee Palace.

After all, it was Azerbaijan that first extended a helping hand to the oppressed peoples of French colonies and drew the attention of the entire international community to unpleasant events that have no place in the modern world.

France, on the other hand, prefers to vent its anger on Azerbaijan rather than admitting the crimes it committed in the occupied lands and realizing its guilt and apologizing for the evil that was inflicted on many generations of the indigenous peoples of the colonized territories.

As for the growing tension in bilateral relations, it will not do any good to France, first of all!

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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