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HomeTop StoriesColt Gray, accused in Georgia shooting, was obsessed with Parkland massacre

Colt Gray, accused in Georgia shooting, was obsessed with Parkland massacre

Colt Grey, 14, opened fire last Wednesday with a semi-automatic rifle in a secondary school Georgia (United States)killing four people and injuring nine, for reasons still unknown, but apparently keen to repeat the massacre that occurred in a park school center (Florida) in 2018.

The shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in the aforementioned Florida city, in which 17 people died (14 students), This is one of the recent massacres in the United States in which Colt was involved. document and even write.

According to US media, police officers who searched Colt’s home found his bedroom his texts on this massacrewhich, along with that of Uvalde (Texas) in 2022, is among the deadliest to have occurred in schools in this country.

The above is a clue that helps researchers configure a turbulent family life before the shooting Colt was charged Friday with four counts of murder in a hallway at Apalachee High School in Winder, although prosecutors are planning additional charges.

The blond-haired teenager drifted through Wednesday morning’s sleepiness with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, a weapon CNN says. bought by his father,Colin Gray, 54, who gave it to his son as Christmas present in December 2023.

The present, the data despite disturbing antecedents that linked Colt to threats posted on the internet of sparking a school massacre, led to the arrest of Colin Gray, who was also charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter, among other charges, and how his son could spend the rest of his life in prison.

With blunt statements, the father denied that the minor was the author of the threats published in May 2023 on the social network Discord and told FBI agents who questioned him about it that he owned firearms, but assured that Colt did not have one. “unlimited access” for them.

Federal agents investigating the incident were unable to find conclusive evidence at the time linking the minor, then 13 and who denied making the posts, to the death threats. “shooting up a high school.”

According to what emerges, the minor’s parents live separately and have had a serious custody dispute of their three children, in addition to being evicted from at least one home. The mother, Marcee Gray, has history of drug possession in 2023 and pleaded guilty in a Barrow County, Georgia, court to property damage, in addition to being charged with restraining order which prevents you from having contact with your ex-husband, except if it concerns child custody or divorce-related issues.

The minor’s maternal grandfather, Charlie Polhamus, has not hidden his grandson’s responsibility for the acts committed; however, in statements to CNN, he noted that Colin Gray had verbally abused his daughter and grandchildren for years. “My grandson did what he did because of the environment he lived in”Polhamus stressed.

The attack triggered by young Gray ended the lives of the 14-year-old students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Anguloas well as that of mathematics teachers Richard Aspinwall39 years old, and Cristina Irimie53. The father and son, who had their first court appearance this Friday, which they attended with public defenders, will return to court on December 4, the date set for a preliminary hearing.




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