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Company that caused Ayuso’s partner’s blow in 2020 redid its accounts amid scandal

Mape, the Galician company that promoted the two million euro commission that Alberto González Amador pocketed in 2020 for negotiating an order for medical supplies, redid its 2023 annual accounts on April 18, three weeks after approving a first version and in the midst of the tax fraud scandal involving Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner.

The company, of which Quirón’s director Fernando Camino is a director, restructured its shareholding last year after selling 5% of its capital in May 2022 for half a million. The company estimates that it lost the 1.5 million it had expected in 2020 to a supplier it does not identify.

These are the details of the 2023 accounts that Mape has just submitted to the commercial register, accessible via Insight View, and which its board of directors initially approved on March 30.

At that time, had already revealed González Amador’s tax fraud with a conspiracy of false invoices and shell companies; the commissions he received through this operation involving Mape, and the relationship of this company with Fernando Camino, a key person in the professional advancement of the confessed fraudster.

Nineteen days after approving this first version of the accounts, Mape’s board of directors decided to reformulate them. The reason given in the document sent to the Commercial Registry is that “on April 18, taking into account the results of the previous year”, with a profit of 1,536,109.93 euros, the board “proposes to apply the entire result to dividends”. And the “consequence” of this distribution of profits is that it is decided to “reformulate the annual accounts previously formulated on March 30”. contacted Mape, who did not respond to this media.

The reformulation was approved after several reports questioned the final payer of the masks that Mape bought and made González Amador a millionaire, deepened their links with Camino or revealed that this Pontevedra company had taken over the emergency contracts of the Xunta de Galicia in 2020.

The 2023 accounts also reveal the recent evolution of Mape’s shareholding. In December, the company carried out a capital reduction by amortizing all of its treasury shares, i.e. 1,497 treasury shares which represented almost 15% of its capital. In doing so, Mape’s five main shareholders increased their stake.

The shares of the founding family, the Cachafeiro, have reached 70.55%, led by the president and founder, Gumersindo Cachafeiro (26.68%). And Mitjaterra d’Inversions, led by Inditex director Jorge Pérez Marcote, brother-in-law of Amancio Ortega, now holds 23.53%. The accounts do not specify who owns the remaining 5.92%.

Sale in 2022

This package was sold in one go in May 2022, when Mape got rid of its own shares equivalent to 5% of its capital at the time, a stake that has now increased after this amortization of treasury shares. As explained in the accounts, on May 16, 2022 “the company sold 500 shares that it held in treasury for 1,000 euros each, raising a total amount of 500,000 euros”, which values ​​100% of Mape at 10 million. The identity of the purchaser(s) of these shares is unknown.

This operation was carried out four days after the tax administration informed Alberto González Amador of the start of the audit that resulted in the complaint against him for his two tax crimes, acknowledged in writing by his lawyer before the scandal broke. Also in May 2022, the company that Fernando Camino had created in 2013 was reactivated in the tax haven of Panama.

This Panamanian company, which González Amador later directed and which he denied having used, was extinguished as soon as it was reactivated. And it also had as a director one of González Amador’s few clients other than Quirón, a regular contractor of the PP governments to whom he invoiced work during his tax fraud and who has now declared several of his companies bankrupt.

Mape’s accounts appear to definitively cancel a $1 million advance made in 2020 to a supplier for equipment that Mape never received. That year, “the company made advances to a supplier in the amount of €1,540,000, for goods that, at the date of restating these annual accounts, had not been delivered. “These advances have been fully depreciated due to doubts as to their recoverability.”

Those 1.5 million represent about 5% of what Mape charges in a normal year. Its president acknowledged in 2022 that he had faced “scams” ​​in the whirlwind of 2020, in a glowing report in the Diario de Pontevedra in which he boasted of having brought 1.2 billion masks to Spain at the height of the pandemic.

The company began in 1998 as a consultancy. In 2007, it began distributing health products, parapharmaceuticals, medicines and other products that it markets to large companies, public institutions and private medical centres. Its clients include Inditex, Iberdrola, Caixabank, Repsol, Mercadona, Telefónica or Quirón Prevention itself and public bodies such as the Community of Madrid or the Xunta, according to its website.

Stable billing

In 2023, Mape’s turnover remained stable at 32.5 million. Far from the record of 113.25 million it reached in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, when this operation allowed Ayuso’s partner to earn those 2 million by negotiating the purchase of medical supplies for the Galician company, charging a 4.5% commission.

Just after this operation, in December 2020, González Amador paid Fernando Camino half a million euros for a company in the name of the wife of Quirón’s manager, which had practically no activity and did not even invoice 30,000 euros. The judge in charge of the investigation into Ayuso’s partner refused to investigate this operation, as requested by the PSOE and Más Madrid.

These formations also asked to investigate who is behind the luxurious penthouse in Madrid, in addition to the apartment that González Amador bought in the same building after his tax fraud. The penthouse is in the name of a company managed by the lawyer who represented González Amador in the Treasury inspection. This company received a mysterious loan of 955,000 euros from a third party to buy the apartment in cash in 2023.

In 2023, Mape’s net profit was 1.53 million, 86.9% more, although well below the record of 4.9 million reached in 2020, when its turnover had multiplied by 3.8. That year, Mape was the largest supplier to the Galician Health Service through emergency contracts, with a total of 10,004,510 euros.

The Court of Auditors warned, in general, that these contracts (which took the Xunta several months to publish) contained “gaps in some of the supporting reports, a lack of a minimum presence and verification of the suitability and capacity of the successful bidder”; or “the lack of publicity of part of the awards”, among other “incidents”.

According to this report from the Contas Council, in 2020 the Xunta paid premiums of up to 37% for the purchase of medical supplies from Mape compared to other suppliers.

Quirón’s director, Fernando Camino, has been a member of Mape’s board of directors since 2019. He has the category of “external director,” according to the private healthcare giant.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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