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Compromís joins independentists from all over Spain to appeal Mazón’s education law before the Constitutional Court

Commitments The parties have joined forces independentists from all over Spain – the Catalans ERC and Junts, and the Basque Bildu -, the Galician nationalists of the BNG and with Sumar and Podemos to present an appeal of unconstitutionality against the educational law of the Valencian president Carlos Mazonstay freedom has families choose the language teach their children.

The 50 deputies – the legal minimum to sign this document before the Constitutional Court – consider that giving this power to parents “goes against the linguistic rights of students recognized in the Valencian Statute of Autonomy, in the Constitution Spanish and various higher-level educational laws,” as Compromís detailed in a statement.

These parties argue that the rule promulgated by PP and Vox in the Valencian Cortes “forces Valencian families to enroll their children before knowing in which language they will receive lessons and prevents students from Spanish speaking areas can learn Valencian and master both official languages.

There are, however, two hundreds schools and institutes that have already voted for the so-called Linguistic Project of the Center (PLC) in their School Boards, if they preferred to maintain the one already in force with the previous law on Multilingualism – promoted by Compromís during the previous autonomous coalition government with the socialists – or wanted a change. About half have chosen to modify it, a process that was resolved before enrollment and, therefore, in these homes they already know what the basic language will be in the classrooms. Subsequently, there will be a vote progressively in the rest of the centers.

Choose the language of the “careful” review

The political groups that supported Compromís have assured that the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community has already rejected one of the measures included in the educational law of the Valencian PP. It is about each student being able to choose language to do the exams and “this attentive against him aim to acquire knowledge related to the official language in which a subject is taught.

On the other hand, there are other resolutions of the same TSJCV that protect other students who had claimed their right to choose their mother tongue – Spanish – for the evaluations.

The nationalist and left-wing deputies, symbolically gathered this Wednesday at the Lions’ Gate of CongressThey also consider that the PP law “allows untrained teachers to teach courses in Valencian for non-linguistic subjects and thus violates the right of students to receive courses in Valencian for other subjects”. They refer to the main materials non-linguistic, not that of language learning, which is only provided by qualified teachers.

Finally, he assures that “there are judicial precedents against a good part of the provisions of this law through 7 sentences, both from the Constitutional Court and the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community”, although this rule is only just beginning to be applied during this academic year and so far no judicial resolution is known, among other reasons, because materially there has not been significant time.

Mazón: “Support Catalan immersion”

After learning of the presentation of this appeal of unconstitutionality, the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, defended his rule of leaving families the freedom to decide the language of instruction.

“The 50 national deputies want to pass through the triumphal arch the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community, the State of autonomies, our SKILLS leaders and Les Corts because they want to continue supporting taxation and immersion At Catalan style” asked the regional leader.

In statements to the media, he said that “it is surprising to see the speed with which thetaxes separatists in a Spanish community and the speed with which measures are taken against the self-government of those of us who want equality, freedom and freedom from taxation.

In this sense, he said that the 50 signatory deputies “will have to explain whether or not they believe in the state of autonomies and if what they are trying to guarantee is that it continues in the Valencian Community.”process‘of the Catalan imposition that has dominated the last eight years.’

Likewise, he pledged to continue defending the self-government and “the capacity of the majority of the Valencian people who decided, on the basis of an electoral program supported largely by the ballot box, that they wanted educational freedom” and the equal promotion of both languages, “without impositions in favor of “our language” and transferring a greater sphere of freedom to families.

Finally, Mazón justified that “the absence of this supremacist imposition” is a commitment of the Valencian Government and is part of its convictions.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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