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Condé-Pumpido claims the "maximum political respect" to the decisions of the Constitutional Court before deciding on amnesty

The president of the Constitutional Court (TC), Cándido Conde-Pumpido, demanded this Friday “the maximum political and institutional respect for its decisions and its independence”, at the same time as the tribuneHe is preparing to respond this month to the first appeals against the amnesty law..

Count Pumpido mentioned it during the inauguration of José María Macias as magistrate of the Constitutional Courtwhose appointment responds to the position left vacant by Alfredo Montoya two years ago for health reasons and is part of the agreement between the PSOE and the PP to renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

Before the members of the Guarantees Tribunal, the highest judiciary of the State and in the presence of the Minister of Justice, Félix Bolaños, Conde-Pumpido took advantage of his speech to ask the same respect for the work of judges that the new president of the Council of Judges demanded this ThursdayIsabel Perello.

“The Court deserves and demands the maximum of political measures and institutional to its decisions and its independence”, The president of the court said that next week is preparing to admit the question of the unconstitutionality of the treatment that the Supreme Court filed a complaint against the amnesty for the crime of public disorder, while waiting for it to do the same with the PP’s appeal on the 24th. “Some of us have to flee temptation to make the court a political organ” he stressed.

Pending the resolution on amnesty

In this regard, he recalled that “all public authorities They are bound by what the Constitutional Court decides.“, stressing that “power must submit to reason and not reason to power.” The TC president also defended “the democratic and plural composition of the court” which “dedicates itself body and soul to ensuring that the Constitution presides over national decisions.” life and is the guardian of freedom, while ensuring civilized coexistence through the exercise of its functions.

In this sense, he stressed that the magistrates of the Court of Guarantees have “the the tools needed to impose their impartiality “away from prejudices.” “Legal arguments, no more, no less,” he stressed. Regarding the appointment of Macías, he stressed that this appointment allows them to “finally” have a complete court with its twelve members, which is “a reason for satisfaction“for the very functioning of democracy and the rule of law.”

“Now we can celebrate that Spain is entering a stage of democratic normality in the field of justice, leaving behind the blockages and institutional anomalies that “They have done so much damage to the image of our justice system”he added.




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