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HomeLatest NewsConfederation fines City Hall 8,823 euros for Las Jaras discharges

Confederation fines City Hall 8,823 euros for Las Jaras discharges

He Cordoba City Hall fell on again another fine of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation (CHG) In The Jaras. In this urbanization, an abnormal situation occurs. By not having taken the necessary steps, the City Council has never taken charge of the network and sanitation of this enclave, contrary to what is usual. In Las Jaras, these two issues are handled by private companies. This abnormal situation has its roots in the 1990s and the City Council is taking measures to remedy it.

The management entity of the river basin rejected the Consistory’s allegations and imposed a fine of 8,823 eurosan amount to which is added compensation for damage to the public hydraulic domain in the amount of 549 euros. The sanction is imposed, explains the CHG, for the realization of “waste of waste waterfrom the Las Jaras sewage system, public hydraulic domainDon Lucas flow, without the mandatory authorization of the Confederation. They took place in December 2023. This discharge, after the analysis carried out, had the character of “pollutantwith the capacity to affect the quality of the waters of the municipality of Cordoba. This is, according to the CHG, “a minor offense“.

For this fine, it is recalled in the file of this sanction, the possibility of reducing it by 40% “in the event of voluntary recognition of liability and voluntary payment thereof.” This leaves him at 5,294 euros.

From the Management Department, which carries this sanction, it is indicated, in the documentation relating to it, that after verbal consultation with the legal department of the city council, “we are told that in these cases The most convenient is to take advantage of the 40% discount of the sanction, since the procedures initiated by the Consistory [en este tipo de casos] “They are systematically rejected in court.” The adoption of the 40% reduction “would save a considerable amount of fines and the City Hall would not be subject to litigation that would only delay the municipal obligation to face the sanctions imposed by the CHG, in addition to having to face cost orders.”

For this reason, the City Hall finally agrees to pay the aforementioned 5,294 euros. This, despite the fact that in April presented allegations. For example, he claimed that he was taking action to provide a solution to the provision of the integral water cycle in Las Jaras. His arguments were rejected by the Confederation.



Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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