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HomeLatest NewsConstitutional Court annuls Aragon's renewable energy law after central government appeal

Constitutional Court annuls Aragon’s renewable energy law after central government appeal

The Constitutional Court has decided to annul the Aragonese standard that regulates the production of renewable energy. The plenary session, according to sources from the Guarantee Court to, focused on the formal aspect and did not even address the analysis of the substance of the law, as requested by the central government’s appeal. The magistrates understand that the measures, from a formal point of view, were not justified by the “urgency and necessity” alleged by Javier Lambán’s executive to implement them.

Aragon is one of the autonomous communities where green energy has the most weight: according to data from Red Eléctrica, in 2022 it was the second territory in the entire country that produced the most renewable energy. The executive’s appeal mainly contested the articles of the Aragonese regulations on local electricity consumption and the measures aimed at promoting self-consumption.

The central government has appealed the Aragonese decree, considering that several of its articles “could endanger the stability of the electrical system and its economic regime”. A rule approved at the end of the last legislature, with the socialist Javier Lambán as president, and which, among other measures, proposed the possibility of connecting electrical energy production facilities with renewable sources to a network of one or more consumers, with the aim of “promoting local consumption. Also that surpluses of green energy can be used to stimulate local consumption “in order to optimize the impacts generated by the installation and the investment made”.

The law, which the Constitutional Court definitively annulled, had been suspended as a precautionary measure since January of this year, when the Guarantee Court accepted the government’s appeal for processing. The current regional government, of the PP of Jorge Azcón, has been calling for months to wait for the final decision of the Constitutional Court to make a decision on a possible legal reform of the renewable energy regime in the autonomous community.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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