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Contas concludes that the execution of the Xunta of European funds remained below 50% in 2022

The execution of the Xunta of European funds remained below 50% in 2022. Out of a total of 1,183 million euros of definitive credit, they were executed 560.2 million commitments recognized (47.3% of the total), a figure that falls to 392.6 million if we take into account the payments made (33.2%), with 167.5 million awaiting payment.

The audit report on European funds has just been published the Consello de Contas relating to the 2022 financial yearfor the period 2021-2027, notes “a considerable general delay” in the execution of a financial framework whose implementation was conditioned by the coronavirus crisis.

The control body thus detects “a lack of execution in European funding”, with a delay in the implementation of the current financial framework and a delay in implementation that prevents aid from reaching the real economy “effectively,” he said.

For this reason, Contas believes that measures are necessary “to quickly rationalise” the management of these European funds. He adds that “they must take into account the delays already accumulated” and that the European funding managed “is the largest in the historical series”. following the covid crisis.

Among other criticisms, the control body identifies an accounting practice for which credit decreases for the programming of the following accounting years. He warns that this management distorts the execution of the budget by increasing the execution rates, “which are in reality lower,” he emphasizes.

The worst department

By department, the Department of Rural environment is the one that manages the most credits from European funds in 2022, with 251.9 million (21.3% of the total), followed by the 198.6 million of the Department of EconomyTogether, they account for almost four euros out of ten of the final credit.

In Contas’ analysis of execution by department, the Department of Environment It is the one that records the worst figure of execution of European funds on recognized obligations, with only 17.8%, followed by the Ministry of Economy (35%) and Health (37.6%). At the other extreme, the execution is 100% at Facenda and 81.6% at Emprego.

THE The execution of the rest of the departments is as follows: Presidency of the Xunta (68.6%); Education (61.5%); Department of the Presidency (52.1%); Sea (47.73%); Rural Environment (45.72%); Social Policy (45.22%); Infrastructure (45.07%); Concerning efficiency of execution by expenditure chapterCapital transfers have the worst rate, with 40.85%, while it rises to 83.4% in the case of current transfers.

Based on the data reflected by Contas, Galicia records 543 managed European projects. There are 472 active projects and 324 projects with paymentThere are a total of 35,784 beneficiaries, of which more than a thousand are public entities and bodies that have the majority of the budget. The others are individuals and legal entities.


The report includes a recommendations section that involves further investigation administrative simplification measures and the strengthening of European fund management staff for greater efficiency.

He also asks that budget execution is not distorted with reductions in credits for rescheduling, in addition to requiring an annual assessment of management difficulties by sections.

Among other aspects, Contas advocates for greater efficiency in advertising aid through the development of a specialized portal. He also calls for improving collaboration between Xunta and municipalities for the development of projects, including in rural areasIn 2022, some 258 municipalities received European funds worth around 22 million euros.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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