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HomeLatest NewsControversy over the "reduction" of staff in hospitals in Castilla-La Mancha

Controversy over the “reduction” of staff in hospitals in Castilla-La Mancha

This Monday they appeared Posters in some hospitals in Castilla-La Mancha denouncing the reduction in the number of health personnelwithout the author of these complaints being known at the moment. One of them is the one seen in an elevator of the hospital center of Guadalajara and another in Talavera de la Reina.

In the case of Guadalajara, the text that can be read states that “the Sescam (Health Service of Castile-La Mancha) has decided to cut at least 50 doctors and more than 50 nurses.” This would lead, according to their complaint, to “a deterioration in the care offered to them, with an inevitable increase in waiting lists.”

In addition, he also points out that the Guadalajara hospital has not been expanded, “it has simply been moved to the new building, since in the old one, only one and a half floors of the seven available for hospitalization are open.”

For their part, in Talavera de la Reina, there is also criticism that “Sescam has decided to immediately do without at least 50 doctors.” That is why they ask patients and citizens who come to the hospital to complain “to avoid these absurdities that will harm them decisively.”

There, the President of the Vox parliamentary group in the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha, David Morenoappeared before the media this morning at the gates of the Nuestra Señora del Prado hospital to denounce the “saturation situation” affecting the medical and health teams of this hospital center and the “uncertainty” that reigns among doctors and health personnel due to your future employment.

The most affected areas at Talavera de la Reina Hospital are pediatrics, neurology, nephrology, hematology and internal medicine.according to Moreno, who stressed the “gravity” of the situation and announced that he would question the Minister of Health, Jesús Fernández Sanz, to find out why all hiring must be supervised by the Treasury, “which contributes to a worsening of the conditions of health personnel.

“This type of decision not only affects the current workforce, but also generates a deterrent effect in the future. “We are seeing a flight of health professionals, and those who remain feel demotivated and frustrated, which inevitably leads to a lower quality of care provided to patients,” said the parliamentary president of Vox.

Situations for which ABC has requested the Ministry of Health of the Government of Castilla-La Manchabut they have not responded and are requesting the public appearance this Tuesday of Councilor Jesús Fernández Sanz.

Those who criticized “Sescam’s austerity policy” on Monday are the leaders of CSIF (Independent Trade Union Center and Civil Servants)For this reason they announced that on October 1st they would gather at the doors of hospitals in all the provincial capitals of Castilla-La Mancha.

“Mourning at Sescam”

Among the causes of their claims are “the blocking of hiring, the paralysis of professional careers and the delay in the payment of productivity variables.” under the motto ‘Mourning in Sescam’The union denounces the “progressive deterioration” of the public health service, “accentuated in recent months by restrictions on the hiring of professionals for budgetary reasons”.

THE president of CSIF Sanidad Castilla-La Mancha, Ana Isabel Fernándezstresses that “it is the citizens who pay the price, with delays in primary care appointments or in diagnostic tests, with bed closures because there is a lack of professionals. “There is therefore a clear deterioration in the quality of care, which translates into an increase in complaints, claims, and even violent attitudes.”

Also remember that “Sescam imposes a hiring freeze until December 31, which prevents vacant positions from being filledtemporary disabilities, vacations, permits or reductions in working hours. A situation that will be even more critical from September 30, the date on which most of the contracts associated with the summer plan end, and also with the usual increase in respiratory pathologies linked to seasonal changes.

“The hiring is only in intensive care units, operating rooms and emergencies, as well as in services where the shortage of personnel is so evident that it risks saturating the entire hospital center,” explains Fernández, who adds that “they are colleagues who double their work days or work overtime with a surplus of hours that does not appear anywhere or professionals mobilized from the continuous care points to manage primary care consultations.

“This lack of reinforcements affects the mental and physical health of workers, generating chronic fatigue and an increase in sick leave due to stress or exhaustion, which further aggravates the situation of staff shortages,” concludes with regret the representative of the CSIF. He therefore requests urgent measures from the CSIF. Sescam to alleviate these situations.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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