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HomeLatest NewsCordoba-based company Jicar will carry out the long-awaited works in La Colada

Cordoba-based company Jicar will carry out the long-awaited works in La Colada

THE Markets Commission of the Junta de Andalucía In terms of water infrastructure, it published on Thursday a proposal for the award of pipeline works for the water supply of the northern zone of Cordoba from the tank The Colada. And he did it in favor of the Jicar Company of Cordobaas confirmed by ABC, which will now have a year to execute them and three additional months of testing.

This is a highly requested and expected action in the region after the serious drought problems of 2022 and 2023. A work that has been declared of interest to the Community in 2020“although this is not the responsibility of the Andalusian Administration because it is located in the Guadalquivir River Basin“, the Autonomous Administration said in a statement.

The proposal made by the Board of Directors is that the company that will carry out the work will be the company from Córdoba. Jicar, one of the thirty who participated in the competitionThe amount of the tender for the works contract is EUR 11,130,355.45 (VAT included) and that for the construction management and health and safety coordination services is EUR 311,649.81 (VAT included). The formalization of the contract The award ceremony will take place within one week.

The aim of this action is to solve the problem of water supply in the municipalities of the northern zone of the province of Cordobaespecially in the region of The Pédrochesbetween the municipal mandates of Hinojosa del Duque, El Viso, Belalcázar, Villanueva del Duque and Bélmez, benefiting a population of 80,000 inhabitants.

The subject of the contract includes the construction of the suction and discharge sections, the pumping station, the inspection chamber of the existing connection and the emergency connection, the access road to the station and the power supply works. In addition, the pipelines that already exist, after almost 17 years, and the reservoirs that have not even been put into service or the pumping systems will be reviewed.

The laundry It was designed as a response to the terrible drought of 1995 who put the North. A temporary link was then established between New bridge And Sierra Boyera as a remedy for some of the shortcomings that this 58-hectometre reservoir would solve. The absence of a secondary supply network has made it, since its inauguration in 2006, a sort of “basin”, in which the water has no recirculation flow and its quality is more than questionable.


This action is necessary because it has been proven that the current system of supplying the northern area of ​​Córdoba from the ETAP of Sierra Boyera This may pose problems in terms of ensuring supply during periods of drought, such as those experienced in the past.

After the Junta stopped work on La Colada in 2009 (work started in 2008), the government of Juanma Moreno She took it back in 2020, declaring it of interest for the Autonomous Community by Agreement of June 16, 2020 of the Government Council”, indicates the Autonomous Administration.

This is a definitive work for the water supply of the entire region. It is 90 percent complete and only 10 percent of the pipelines remain plus a series of small complementary provisions. This action proposes the construction of a water intake in the reservoir, a pumping station with a capacity of 600 l/s and the necessary pipes to connect to the paralyzed pipelines of 2009.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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