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HomeLatest NewsCórdoba City Council completes the House of Solidarity, which will open in...

Córdoba City Council completes the House of Solidarity, which will open in early 2025

From the first quarter of 2025, social aid and solidarity organizations will have their own meeting and activity space. Cordoba City Hall received this Wednesday the construction works of the Casa de la Solidarity in one of the upper pavilions of the former Lepanto barracks.

The work was entrusted to the Municipal Directorate of Urban planningwho invested a little over a million euros in the work. On a surface area of ​​485 square meters, five offices of 21 meters, three classrooms or workshops of 35 and a meeting room of 60, which can accommodate 50 people.

The mayor, José María Bellido, celebrated the end of the works, which lasted nine months and which give “a own space” to one of the city’s hallmarks in recent decades, which is the concern for solidarity and international cooperation, both in associations and in municipal management.

“There was no room for associations dedicated to solidarity, cooperation and peace“, he said, and now it exists. It will be managed by a new body, which will be the Local council of Solidarity and Cooperation “to make it available to those who work” to help others.

The Advisor for Cooperation and Solidarity, Narci Ruizassured that its use, and the way in which the different entities will have the spaces, will be governed by a regulation that will be prepared by the City Council itself and that will establish the operation.

Public spaces

Bellido also stressed that these works ensure that “public spaces are no longer vacant and in a situation close to ruin” to be able to have a function available to citizens, as has just happened with the retirement home on Don Rodrigo Street. The provision of furniture is the last step before the work begins.

Forums, conferences, workshops and daily activities will now occupy this space, located on the second floor and accessible from Rabanales Avenue, in the southern part of the Lepanto Barrackswhich thus abounds in the reconversion of its spaces, started in recent years.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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