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HomeLatest NewsCordoba City Council delivers Don Rodrigo's retirement home: "It gives me life"

Cordoba City Council delivers Don Rodrigo’s retirement home: “It gives me life”

“It gave me life.” Rafael Gomez Cañete He is excited in front of the door of what is now his new home: a small apartment with a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom in the historic center of Cordoba: on the street Don Rodrigo. It represents the culmination of his aspirations.

Until now, he lived on Núñez de Balboa Street, in Fuensanta, in the apartment that belonged to his parents. He had to get out of there, he filed the papers with Vimcorsa, with the housing company of the City Council of Córdoba, and this Tuesday he received the keys to the place where he will now live permanently. to rent out.

Rafael Gómez Cañete is one of the Cordovan residents who will live in the building that Vimcorsa inaugurated this Tuesday: a complex of 23 homes for the elderly between the neighborhoods of Santiago and San Pedro, in the former Félix Ortega municipal nursery school. “I worked in a bakery nearby, on Consolación Street, and I never thought I would live in this house,” he says.

As explained by the president of the housing company of the City Council of Cordoba, Miguel Angel TorricoThe act of handing over the keys to the new tenants comes after a project of almost four years that cost 1.3 million euros, 80% financed by the Edusi funds of the European Union. There are 2,168 square meters.

As he stressed, it is above all a social project which allows people who do not own an apartment to live in a rented apartment. very affordable pricewhich does not reach 200 euros. And on the other hand, it also serves to establish the population in the historic center and to continue building “a friendly city.”

Of the 23 apartments, 22 have a bedroom, kitchen and bathroomwhile there will be two bedrooms. It will be a lifestyle close to that of an old apartment building, because the residents will retain their independence, but will also benefit from common areas.


The complex has three patios and a gym for exercising and will encourage coexistence and camaraderie among all the residents. One of them is Francisca Juliawho until now lived in the San Agustín neighborhood, and who also spoke enthusiastically about his new home.

She had worked as a domestic worker, but her pension is not contributory. I lived on rent, but the one in the new municipal building is much more affordable. “For years, I was applicationbut I took this one and they gave it to me, so I’m overjoyed,” she said.

Several patios and a gym make up the common coexistence spaces

The conditions established by the City Council of Córdoba are not to own a home, to have a certain level of income and to live in the historic center or nearby, in addition to passing an interview to verify that there will be no problems of coexistence. This is not, Vimcorsa sources point out, a retirement home but a place for independent people.

The Provincial Federation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities (Fepamic) will be responsible for managing the goal and cleaning the building, structured around different galleriesJosé Reina will also live there, who is pleased with the “very healthy environment” that can be found there, and who will live not far from his old house, on San Fernando Street.

The mayor of Cordoba, Jose Maria Bellidowas congratulated by the fact that the beneficiaries can have their new home, but also by the fact of the recovery of a municipal building that had spent some years without use and which will now have a new social function.

The project is in line with other similar projects carried out with notable success by the City Hall, such as the one on the street Joaquin Sama Naharrobetween the Huerta de la Reina and the Brillante, which has always been very busy for years and whose second phase is nearing completion, the mayor said, by the end of this year or for early 2025.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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