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HomeLatest NewsCordoba is the Andalusian province with the highest compliance in water purification

Cordoba is the Andalusian province with the highest compliance in water purification

Cordoba is the Andalusian province with the highest degree of compliance with environmental regulations. water purificationaccording to the report produced each year by Ecologists in Action on the situation throughout Andalusia. The figure reached is 84 percent.

The report on sanitation and purification in Andalusia is included in the data of the Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) points with more than 2,000 inhabitants and attempts to analyze compliance with state regulations.

The wastewater treatment plants analyzed represent barely 40% of the total built, according to the latest report Environment Andalusia, bringing the total number of treatment plants to 690 plus 78 under construction.

The final conclusions reveal, after analyzing 305 urban agglomerations of the eight Andalusian provinces, that in 2023 there will be resurrected The percentage of those who comply with the regulations stands at just over 68.5%, one percentage point better than the previous year, with Córdoba in the lead, a percentage that has been maintained in recent years.

These data are supported by the strong increase in the province of Jaén, which improved by more than 15 percentage points compared to the previous year. It should be noted, however, that more than half of the provinces worse compared to 2022. Only the provinces of Cádiz, Seville and the aforementioned Jaén are improving, although overall, there are still a third of the treatment plants analyzed that do not comply with the standard.

It is at the provincial level where the differences compared to the previous year are best reflected, while Córdoba continues to be the province with the best compliance data With just over 84%, Malaga does not reach 48%.

Regarding the evaluation of the last 11 years, with an average of 307 treatment plants analyzed, it is clear that only Córdoba has maintained percentages that are around 84% on average, according to the report. Environmentalists in action.

Infrastructures on hold

On the contrary, the province of Seville has started a significant improvement since 2018, which, although it was slowed down in 2022, has improved again this year. If in 2013 the degree of compliance was 84%, in 2018 it did not reach 59%. Last year it stood at 75.5%.

Over the past five years, pending infrastructure that has been declared regional interest in 2010, which should affect – when they are operating at full capacity – compliance with environmental objectives receiving masses of the purified effluent.

If in 2018 there were more than 42% of actions without start, today all the works are in progress, well completed, in execution, in call for tenders, in treatmentcancelled or simply deemed unnecessary.

The environmentalists in action have assured that they will continue to demand that the responsible administrations (local, regional and state) carry out the actions in progress and accelerate the padministrative procedures necessary and do not skimp on the cannon’s income for its execution.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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