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HomeLatest NewsCordoba opens to a cultural autumn full of great events

Cordoba opens to a cultural autumn full of great events

Fuensanta has passed away. The agitation has returned to the schools. Cordoba has turned this week again that handful of time that ends the summer and culture also stretches. The Night of Heritage has just been celebrated, Thursday the inauguration of the vast exhibition that the painter Juan Cantabrana will be on show until November at the Teatro Cómico Principal and Cosmopoética has already been presented.

All this served as a preview for a few months during which notable anniversaries such as the architect’s centenary coincide. Rafael de La-Hozthe 150th anniversary of the birth of Julio Romero de Torres and 200 of the writer JJuan Valera They will generate various proposals that will coincide in time with other unique events such as the long-awaited presentation of the ephebes of Pedro Abad at the Archaeological Museum.

Among all these proposals, perhaps the ones that have the most resonance are those related to Romero de Torres, since his painting is a universal icon. What is planned for now are two exhibitions organized by the City Council, one in the art gallery dedicated to the artist in El Potro and the other in the Vimcorsa Room.

The first, at the Romero de Torres Museum, will be the one that will open fire on September 20 with the arrival in Córdoba of the funds from the Telefónica Foundation. As for the one in Vimcorsa, it is an exhibition in which the works of Julio Romero de Torres will coexist with those of the painter Ignacio Zuloagaanother of the great representatives of the Silver Age.

Black box C3A

Alvaro Carmona

From the Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao will arrive 11 works that will allow to compare the styles of the two artists and will represent a journey to Spain of early 20th century.

One of the expected attractions is the painting ‘Rivalry’by Julio Romero, whose acquisition the City Council is finalizing to incorporate it into the collections of its art gallery. Other institutions such as the Museum of Fine Arts will also join the celebration.

After the celebration of this anniversary, it will be the turn of two other illustrious personalities of Cordoba: Rafael de La-Hoz and Juan Valera. Of the famous architect, a prominent figure of 20th century Spain, various activities and exhibitions are being finalized, with the participation of the Provincial Council and the The city hall.

The Vimccorsa Municipal Hall will host one of these exhibitions, which will analyse from December the architect’s legacy and the great diversity of projects he developed throughout his career. The Provincial Council will study the era of De La-Hoz, putting his legacy in contact with the era in which he lived.

The painter Javier Bassecourt

Angel Rodriguez

As for Valera, the leadership in organizing his birthday falls to Cabra Town Hallhis hometown, in collaboration with the University of Cordoba, the Complutense and institutions such as the Junta or the Provincial Council.

The central event of the anniversary is scheduled for October 16-18, which will consist of the celebration of the III International Congress on the author of emblematic novels of Spanish literature such as “Pépita Jimenez” or “Juanita la Larga”. This academic meeting will bring together the main specialists in the work of the writer and diplomat, who will analyze his life and his narrative or epistolary work.


The Junta de Andalucía also joins the cultural autumn with various activities. In the Archaeological Museum, for example, they are already working on the preparation of the exhibition that will serve to present the ephebes of Pedro Abadwhich will become from this moment one of the great attractions of this museum space.

The exhibition will not only analyze these figures, but also the context the history in which they were created and their links with other pieces from this period that the museum itself has.

The exhibition will also be accompanied by conferences on this period. Similarly, and already in the province, this fall another emblematic heritage space, such as the Belalcázar Castlewill see the start of its cultural programme, which comes after several years of restoration and research in the fortress.

What the Commission has designed is the cycle “Les Nuits du Château”, which will begin on October 6 with a concert by the folk group Aliara.

The C3A, due to the unique nature of the moment it experiences after the decision not to renew the agreement with TBA21will also be a point of interest this fall for two reasons.

One of Pedro Abad’s two ephebes

JM Serrano

On the one hand, due to the renewal of the current exhibition “Ecologies of Peace”, the premiere of which will take place on September 27. On the other hand, due to the fact that the Black box It will now be directly managed by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Government of Andalusia.

The space director, Jimena Blazquezhas already announced that from October the Black Box will become “an interdisciplinary artistic laboratory”. What is being done is to invite various Andalusian plastic artists to develop their projects there from this autumn and to seek collaboration with artists from other disciplines such as music or the performing arts.

The diocese of Cordoba is also participating in this cultural movement, although in its case it is preparing an event that will take place in the spring: the exhibition on the bishop Osio “Symbol: Light of Nicaea”, which will arrive on the occasion of the 1,700th anniversary of this council.

The programming around this historic event will begin this year, however, when a quick painting competition is already planned that will be dedicated to the historic prelate of Cordoba.

The presence of the artists at the event on October 20 in the public space of Córdoba will be another encouragement for an autumn in which culture will occupy a special role in the city and the province. The boring cultural life of the summer will thus be left aside to move on to this new period in which the literaturevisual arts, history, theatre or music in an intense schedule that will leave little respite.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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