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HomeBreaking NewsCorruption crimes of about 20 officials in Azerbaijan uncovered - SHOCKING FACTS

Corruption crimes of about 20 officials in Azerbaijan uncovered – SHOCKING FACTS

Corruption crimes have been uncovered among directors and senior employees of several institutions in Azerbaijan.

According to information obtained by Qafqazinfo, the cases of embezzlement of state funds have been revealed in the centres of the Ministries of Health, Science and Education and the National Academy of Sciences.

The statements of Rufat Karimov, who headed 80 companies brought to criminal liability during this period, broadened the scope of the investigation. The Financial Surveillance Centre suspected the transfer of money for various purposes from state institutions and their companies to his companies. The investigation, which lasted several months, revealed more money than expected.

Which institutions have signed contracts with Rufat Karimov’s companies?

It was established that state institutions transferred 3 million manats to companies for the purchase of construction materials, water supply and other services. The Chief Anti-Corruption Department of the Prosecutor General has involved the persons involved in the crime in the investigation one by one. Each of them was found guilty of a significant amount of embezzlement and office fraud under the Criminal Code.

Who are these corrupt officials?

Rashad Bahram oglu Gasimov, Deputy Director of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan;

Vafa Yusif Gizi Seidova, Director of the Boarding School No. 4 for Children with Disabilities Deprived of Parental Care of the Ministry of Science and Education;

Dilara Yusif Gizi Mashadiyeva, Director of the General Boarding School No. 2 for Children with Limited Health Opportunities and Deprived of Parental Care of the Ministry of Science and Education;

Elmar Nazim oglu Gurbanzadeh, Head of Accounting at the Sanatorium-Type Boarding School No. 8 of the Ministry of Science and Education;

Sabina Rafiq Gizi Vazirova, former head of accounting at the special boarding school No. 12 for children with disabilities of the Ministry of Science and Education;

Mursel Farhad oglu Mursalov, General Director of the public legal entity “Sanator-Resort Rehabilitation Centre”;

Rashid Kamil Oghlu Badalov – Director of the public legal entity “Professor Gindes Republic Tuberculosis Sanatorium for Children and Adolescents” of the Ministry of Health.

Rauf Yusif oglu Gurbanov, Chief Physician of the Republican Children’s Sanatorium of the Ministry of Health;

Seymur Aydın oglu Shirinzadeh, accountant at the Republican AIDS Center of the Ministry of Health;

Javahir Nadir oglu Mütallimova – Director of the public legal entity “Medical Rehabilitation Center” of TABIB;

Gulbeniz Ibrahim Gizi Babakhanli, Director of the Huseyn Javid House Museum of the National Academy of Sciences;

Azizaga Bayram oglu Najafov, Deputy Director of the Fuzuli Manuscript Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan;

Yuriy Chingizovich oglu Babayev, Deputy Director of the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Theater;

Ahmed Rahim oglu Panayev, Head of the Department of Management and Technical Operation of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts;

Elmaddin Elshad oglu Firidov, representative of the head of the executive power of the Absheron district for the administrative territorial district of the village of Pirekashkul;

Elman Elim oglu Verdiyev, chairman of the municipality of Naftalan city;

All of the above-mentioned persons had criminal relations with Rufat Karimov, who is currently accused of several serious crimes. The institutions transferred money to Karimov’s companies for work to be carried out at the expense of state funds. They agreed that no services would be provided with this money, only that the company would display the price of the goods more. The excess funds were returned in various ways. Each time, the companies were paid interest on the embezzled money.

For example, the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre had to pay 92,000 manats for the purchase of fabrics and decorations. But the deputy director, knowing this, asked the director of the company to show him 27,000 manats in addition to this amount. This money was collected and embezzled.

Another example: the director of the National Academy of Sciences museum Huseyn Javid transferred 12,000 manats more than the market value to the company with the same intention of preparing books about the genius poet for publication and performing a series of works.

In addition, the chief physician of the Republican Children’s Sanatorium of the Ministry of Health transferred 4,363 manats, more than the market value of 50,000 manats, to the company that was engaged in purchasing pine trees, flower bushes and swings for beautification purposes.

In addition, the director of the public legal entity “Medical Rehabilitation Center” TABIB transferred 6,000 more than the market value for repair work, the head of the maintenance and management department of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts and others transferred money to the companies with which they agreed on the name of the provision of services.

The main objective of corruption crimes is compensation for damage caused to the state. Each of the above-mentioned persons pleaded guilty. All of them have been fully compensated for the damage caused to the state by the anti-corruption department. In addition, they paid up to 25 percent of the damage to the escrow account of the General Prosecutor’s Office. The criminal cases initiated on this basis were separately terminated without exculpatory grounds.

The company’s director himself paid the funds he had co-opted from the state budget. Since he is accused of having committed other crimes besides embezzlement, his case will be tried in court.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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