Monday, September 23, 2024 - 10:56 pm
HomeCould US aid not reach Israel? A new assessment

Could US aid not reach Israel? A new assessment

Participants discussed the need to increase allocations due to insufficient funding and the desire to reduce the deficit.

The debate raised the question of whether the budget could be reopened in view of the worsening situation in the north and delays in the arrival of American aid. Recall that the US Congress previously approved the allocation of special military assistance to Israel in the amount of $14.1 billion, which is in addition to the annual assistance of $3.8 billion. Of this amount, $9 billion is intended to finance new interceptors for the Iron Dome and David’s Sling systems, as well as the development of the Magen Or laser defense system and other urgent security needs.

Yoav Echt, spokesman for the budget department, stressed that the current budget does not take into account a possible expansion of the conflict. He warned that additional funds would be needed if hostilities escalate, as delays in US aid could undermine the fiscal foundations of the budget.

Responses to committee members’ questions about the timing of the arrival of U.S. aid were disappointing. Echt noted:

“There is a real risk that all assistance will not be provided. It is unknown how much funding will ultimately arrive. The situation remains uncertain and these conclusions are based on discussions with ministries, including the Ministry of Defense, as well as with Israeli and American government sources.”

Earlier, Kursor spoke about a confidential message Israel received from the White House.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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