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HomeLatest NewsCould we come to rely exclusively on clean, sustainable sources?

Could we come to rely exclusively on clean, sustainable sources?

The Secretary General of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Haitam al Ghais, said: Fossil fuels will not be completely replaced by renewable energiesAccording to him, there is no direct competition between these energy sources, but rather a balanced coexistence.

In his speech on a panel at the World Government Summit (WGS), Ghais He stressed that demand for oil is increasing. He said that the idea of ​​replacing oil with renewable energy is incorrect and unconstructive. However, many personalities in the world think otherwise.

An uncertain solution

The world has recognized that Dependence on fossil fuels poses a significant threat to the futureIn a landmark event, nearly 200 countries reached an agreement at the UN COP28 summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

For the first time, determined to take steps to reduce the use of oil, gas and coalto mitigate climate change. However, the pact does not contain explicit commitments, which many countries, civil society groups and scientists had called for.

According to meteorologists and climatologists, Humanity is about to reach a major milestone in fossil fuel consumptionIt is expected that in the coming years the “peak” use of coal, oil and gas will be exceeded.

From this point on, it is believed that demand will begin to decrease.. However, this development also raises several questions about the transition to cleaner energy sources.

A complex transition

The transition to a clean energy model raises important questions. How quickly will this transition take place? Will it be possible to implement the new model before the planet suffers irreparable damage? The transition will not be easygiven that the current dependence on fossil fuels is very high.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that Global fossil fuel consumption to peak in 2025Fatih Birol, IEA Executive Director, called the moment a “historic turning point.”

However, Vaclav Smil, an academic and energy expert, stressed that energy It is not only a contribution to the global economy, but also the basis of the economy itself.. Economics is essentially about converting one form of energy into another; and without energy, there is no economy.

Smil is skeptical about how easy it will be to abandon the use of fossil fuels. Point out that Our society is built on fossil fuelswith astronomical figures in terms of production of steel, cement and liquid fuels.

Optimistic outlook

Wind and solar energy are considered the main alternatives for a clean energy future and have increased significantly in recent years. By 2022, they accounted for around 12% of electricity generated, a significant increase from previous decades.

Nevertheless, 70% of electricity is still produced from coal, oil and gas. Similarly, electricity accounts for only one-fifth of the world’s total energy consumption. Wind and solar power provide only 2% of the world’s energy supply.

The main factor behind our current dependence on fossil fuels is the increasing efficiency of energy infrastructure, such as power plants, steel mills, factories and vehicles. All this is superior to the advancement of renewable energies.

However, electricity generated from renewable sources such as sun and wind has become cheaper than that produced from fossil fuelsThis trend suggests that the transition to clean energy is not only environmentally beneficial, but also financially beneficial.

Although the initial costs of installing solar panels or wind turbines are significant, the fuel for these technologies is freeThis allows costs to be amortized over time, generating savings compared to fossil fuels.

In favor of renewable energies

One of the main arguments in favor of renewable energies is their infinite nature and minimal impact on the environment. Solar, wind, hydroelectric and geothermal energy are inexhaustible sources that do not emit greenhouse gases nor air pollutants. This makes it the cleanest and most sustainable option to cover our energy needs.

Furthermore, the lower production costs of renewable energy has been a determining factor in its popularization. Solar and wind energy, for example, are increasingly accessible and competitively priced compared to fossil fuels. This has led more and more companies, governments and individuals to choose to invest in this type of energy in order to reduce long-term costs and contribute to environmental protection.

Another point in favor of renewable energies is their ability to generate jobs and stimulate the economyThe creation of wind farms, solar power plants and hydroelectric power projects requires a specialized workforce, which translates into the generation of thousands of jobs all over the world.

However, to achieve this goal, it is essential to have the support of governments, companies and society as a whole. It is necessary to implement public policies that encourage investment in renewable energy, as well as tax incentives and subsidies for those who bet on this type of energy.

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MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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