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HomeCountries where vodka is drunk the most: where does Israel rank?

Countries where vodka is drunk the most: where does Israel rank?

According to World Population Review, Russia consumes the most vodka per capita: 17 glasses per month.

World of Statistics writes about this.

This puts the country at the top of the list of countries in terms of consumption of this strong alcohol. Russia is followed by Poland with 14 glasses and third place is occupied by Ukraine, where the average inhabitant drinks 10 glasses of vodka per month.

Next on the list are Bulgaria (5 glasses), Slovakia and the United States (4 glasses each), Ireland, Finland, Great Britain, Canada and Hungary, whose residents drink 3 glasses of vodka per month. Interestingly, even in traditionally “beer-drinking” countries such as Germany and the Czech Republic, the level of vodka consumption is also 2 glasses per month.

Austria, Israel, Norway, Sweden and Australia have relatively low consumption levels, 1-2 drinks per person per month. In countries with a southern climate, such as France, Turkey and Spain, vodka is not as popular. For example, in France and Romania people drink around 0.7 glasses per month, and in Spain and Turkey, less than half a glass.

In Mexico, Italy, India and Japan, this figure is reduced to a minimum: from 0.2 to 0.15 glasses per month. And in last place are Indonesia and Bangladesh, where vodka consumption is only 0.08 and 0.05 glasses, respectively.

These data clearly demonstrate the differences in alcohol consumption culture around the world.

Previously, Cursor talked about where Israel ranks in the ranking of the best countries in the world.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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