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Crime increases in Córdoba, Montilla, Cabra and Palma del Río in the first half of 2024

In the Municipalities of CordobaThe increase in criminal offences according to the latest report of the Ministry of the Interior in the first half of the year compared to the same period of 2023 is significant, especially in Cabra (15.3%) and in the capital of Cordoba. (6.8%), as the demarcation of the National Police, to which is added Montilla (9.1%) and Palma (3.7%) while it is reduced in Priego (23.4%), Puente Genil (-3.6%) and Lucena (3.8%).

THE conventional crime In the province of Córdoba there are 12,202 criminal offences, which is 0.3 less than in the same period analyzed in 2023, but nevertheless the general count of criminal offences climbs up to 3.8 percent more due to the cybercrime accumulationwhich have increased by 16.2 percent with more than 4,000 cases recorded in the last six months.

In cities like Goat Crime increased by 15.3 percent, driven by computer crimes, as those related to cybercrime recorded an increase of 64.8 compared to 2023. That is, in the first half of last year there were 88 criminal offences related to the Internet, while in 2024 this figure reached 145.

In addition, in this town of Subbética, crimes against sexual freedom increased by 300 percent, from a single crime in 2023 to four in the first half of the year. sexual assaults with the penetration, they went from one to three cases, more than double. As a positive note, the robberies with force in the city of Egabrense decreased by 28 percent with 18 cases compared to 25 in 2023.

Homicides in the capital

In the capital, Cordoba, homicides have increased the most, with three of the four recorded in the province in the last half year, while intentional homicides Provisionally, they fell by 66.7 percent.

Another negative note in this crime report published by the Ministry of the Interior states that the home burglaries increased by 52.1 percent, while cybercrime increased by 9.7 percent. The increase in overall crime in the capital was 6.8 percent.

Vehicle theft has also decreased by 50 percent while Cybercrime has almost doubledwith 154 cases compared to 88 in the first half of 2024 (64.8%).

Sexual assaults have been reduced by half compared to the same semester of 2023 in the capital Cordoba with nine rapes compared to 18 the previous year from January to June. Home burglaries increased by 52.1 percent.


In the second most populous city in the province after the capital, Lucena, criminal offences They decreased by 1.9 percent, and by 3.8 if we consider the total of crimes. The only significant increase in Lucene was recorded in drug trafficking which went from four cases in 2023 to eight in the first half of this year, a doubling.

While other crime has decreased, it is mainly cybercrime with 11.4 percent. The flights with force in housing increased by 70 percent, from the 30 recorded in the first half of 2023 to the 51 recorded in this first half.


crime conventional in Montilla increased by 32 percent, particularly in the case of house burglaries, which rose from 15 to 21 this half-year, while no criminal offences related to sexual assault were recorded.

In this city, crime related crimes have been reduced. cybercrime such as computer scams which went from 92 last year to 49 recorded this first half of the year. While the rest of cybercrime has doubled the number of criminal offences, going from eight cases to 16 so far this year.

The police commissioner of Cordoba, María Dolores López, during a press conference this Tuesday

valerio merino

River Palm

In River PalmCrime increased by about 3.3 percent, especially vehicle thefts (four car thefts so far this semester compared to none in 2023). Added to this is one murder committed in this first semester in the municipality. Crimes against sexual freedom They have been reduced by 80 percent, from the five cases recorded from January to June 2023 to one case last semester.

The violations have disappeared compared to those recorded in 2023, when they Thefts have increased exponentially with strength in homes and establishments increasing by 254.5 percent.

Cybercrime also increased by 5 percent, from 100 offenses in this half of 2023 to 105 in the second half. Internet scams increased by 14.8 percent while other cybercrime were reduced by 36 percent.

Priego of Cordoba

In Priego, Civil Guard district, the crime has decreased 35.7 percent, only a rebound in cybercrime with an increase of 22.1 percent, while the statistic is increased by a case of vehicle theft and a drug trafficking crime. In Priego, it was not recorded no violation and crimes in the first half of the year fell from 252 in 2023 to 162 recorded so far this year.

Genil Bridge

In Puente Genil, another town on the border of Civil Guard crimes have also been committed reduced 21.4 percent in terms of conventional crime while the increase of cybercrime by about 94.1 percent, which has reduced this crime rate of the total crimes by 3.6 percent. Computer scams are the ones that have increased the most, going from the 76 recorded last year to 155 in this first half of the year, which represents 103.9 percent. The theft of vehicles in this town of Subbética has been striking because it has gone from three car thefts in 2023 to seven cars stolen so far this year.

This statistic is part of the report Criminal Offences in Crime Report of the Ministry of the Interior. Police sources indicated that despite this show statistics It is worth noting that the efficiency of the police, especially in solving armed robberies, has increased by about 60 percent over the last half year.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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