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HomeBreaking NewsCrimes against children: Should penalties be toughened? - Commentary by "Kaspi"

Crimes against children: Should penalties be toughened? – Commentary by “Kaspi”

The issue of child murder is a cause for concern in Azerbaijani society. In the recent past, crimes involving spitting on children have been recorded in our country. What additional measures can be taken to prevent crimes against children?

The criminal case involving 8-year-old Narin Guran, who went missing on August 21 in the Turkish province of Diyarbakir and whose body was found in a sack in a stream bed near the village 19 days later, has caused a wide resonance. The issue of child murders is also a cause for concern in Azerbaijani society. Thus, in the recent past, crimes of spitting on children have been recorded in our country.

What additional measures can be taken to prevent crimes against children?

In Türkiye, the question of the death penalty for child murderers is increasingly being raised. Is this the solution?

“Caspian” newspaper article on the subject.

“The execution itself may not be fair”

According to Mehriban Zeynalova, chairwoman of the Public Trade Union for Women’s Aid “Tamiz dünya”, sometimes the execution decision is not fair:

“In general, I do not think that emotional speeches and suggestions are acceptable in some cases, especially in cases of murders against children and women. This does not mean that I am indifferent to the events that are taking place. I am only concerned about the danger of facing the question of whether the execution itself is fair or not.”

The expert noted that executions or severe punishments do not prevent the commission of such crimes:

“Let’s say that in some countries the arm of a thief is amputated. However, this punishment does not help prevent theft. I am in favor of sentencing those who committed violence to life imprisonment. It is necessary not to return to the past, but to create innovation, strengthen the security system and instill cultural behavior in people by isolating them from what is happening around them, making them unaware of possible dangers in real life. We must create a normal environment for children to share all their thoughts and problems with their parents.”

“Otherwise, these crimes will continue”

MP Fazil Mustafa believes that the death penalty for child murderers is the right approach:

“The death penalty should be imposed on child murderers. We can consider taking this step for some crimes. In particular, the death penalty can be considered for murders such as that of pregnant women and crimes against children. However, this must first go through a public debate. Because there are certain obligations that we accept in the penal policy of the State. In all cases, punishments for such crimes are very important. We see this sensitivity in Eastern societies to keep it as a permanent problem. The educational system must be perfect. Most of the people who commit crimes against children are people who do not master values. Otherwise, these crimes will continue.”

“So that we can restore the death penalty”

The chairman of the public trade union “Support for the Police”, retired police colonel Shamseddin Aliyev, also considers crimes against children to be a serious problem for society. In his opinion, the death penalty should be applied in some cases:

“I am in favour of imposing the death penalty on those who commit murders and rapists with particular cruelty. This can be a pill to protect the health of society. Sometimes they say that the death penalty has been abolished in our country, but this is not the case. Thus, Article 27 of the Constitution of Azerbaijan stipulates in which cases the right to life of a citizen is terminated. The death penalty can be applied for crimes committed against the life and health of citizens, especially in the case of serious crimes. If this is added to the Constitution of the country, we can restore the death penalty. The restoration of the death penalty is the demand of the times and of society.”

“Educational work in schools and nurseries must be strengthened”

Psychologist Fergana Mehmangizi believes that sometimes innocent people fall victim to death sentences:

“Cases of aggression and schizophrenia among people have also increased. There is also a certain degree of aggression. To prevent such incidents, education in schools and kindergartens must be strengthened. As for the death penalty, who can guarantee that the crime will not be committed? Will investigations not go in the wrong direction and an innocent person will not be executed?”

According to the psychologist, if murder is easily discussed in society and the media today, these cases will increase:

“As long as crimes, suicides and violence are talked about on social media, there will be those who justify these crimes among the crowd. No matter how much we say “no”, there are people. Without those who justify crimes, there would be no crimes. There are many people with psychological problems, patients with schizophrenia and those who are oppressed by the incompleteness complex. The topics that are talked about a lot become normal in society. The more we normalize these crimes, the more they become repeated.”

“254 children were subjected to domestic violence”

Irada Mammadova, an advisor in the domestic violence prevention sector of the State Committee for Family, Women and Children’s Affairs, says that every application received by the committee is monitored and coordination between state bodies is carried out to support victims. According to her, during the first seven months of 2024, the committee received 339 applications related to domestic violence. Of the victims of domestic violence, 25 were men, 303 were women and 254 were children.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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