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HomeTop StoriesCrimes committed by people over 64 increase by 16.8% in Spain

Crimes committed by people over 64 increase by 16.8% in Spain

THE over 64 years old The number of detainees and inquiries in Spain increased by 16.8% in 2023. To explain the reason, LaSexta turns to Enrique Carbonellprofessor at the Institute of Criminology and Criminal Sciences of the University of Valencia.

“The causes are complex,” he emphasizes. However, he points out that this would be due to the famous myth that continues to circulate among the Spanish. “For a long time the company believed than to commit a crime At 60 it doesn’t matter, because you won’t go to jail. But that’s not true, it’s never been true,” the expert says.

The numbers are there and crimes in this age group continue to grow, with the most common being: robberies with violence and intimidation (51.6%), crimes against sexual freedom, in particular, child pornography (48%) and homicides or murders completed (35.3%).

“Those over 60 are the new teenagersbecause in their generation they didn’t have it and now they are discovering social networks and new technologies,” explains Carbonell.

There are also more people over 60 in prison, which the university professor claims, saying that today sentences are longer and that, therefore, many people reach that age in prison.




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