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HomeLatest NewsCriminal group dedicated to illegal trafficking of refrigerant gases falls in Spain

Criminal group dedicated to illegal trafficking of refrigerant gases falls in Spain

The researchers found that they were manufactured in China at a cost of between 20 and 50 euros per bottle.

civil guard

The Civil Guard He arrested five people on July 30 and investigated 12 others. linked to an alleged criminal group dedicated to the illegal trade of fluorinated gases, introducing them from China to Spain “outside the quota system and evading the national tax.”

In a statement this Tuesday, the Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of Barcelona opened an investigation after becoming aware of the sale since 2019 on online platforms of hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant gases -called fluorinated gases or greenhouse gases- at prices “well below market value”.

Investigators discovered that these refrigerant gases were manufactured in China at a cost of between 20 and 50 euros per bottle, and that a Polish company had illegally introduced them into the European Union (EU) and then sent them to Spain to sell them via the Internet at a price of. at least 300 euros per bottle.

The Civil Guard has registered an address in Barcelona and a industrial warehouse in the province of Madridand arrested five people and investigated 12 others, although the investigation remains open and further arrests cannot be ruled out.

They seized more than 700 gas bottles stored “without control or security, which were handled by unqualified personnel and which would have generated revenues of at least 240,000 euros.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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