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HomeBreaking NewsCristian Sandulache, one of the biggest pimps, is found hanged in his...

Cristian Sandulache, one of the biggest pimps, is found hanged in his cell in Cordoba

Cristian Sandulache, sentenced to 55 years in prison with his brother Sebastián for one of the biggest pimps in Spainwas found dead in his cell in the isolation module of the prison in Cordobathe prison where he had just been transferred from Huelva to continue serving his sentence.

The events took place on Sunday, September 1st. The criminal’s wife learned around nine o’clock in the evening that he had been found dead, hanged in the bedroom. His category in the penitentiary was FIES 2, which includes prisoners from the world of organized crime.

In the absence of definitive autopsy results, coroners have provisionally concluded that the cause of death was hanging. The body had around the neck fractured thyroid glandas EL ESPAÑOL learned from sources close to the investigation.

However, his family wants his death to be fully investigated because upon his arrival at the prison, he himself Cristian Sandulache He alerted them that they were poisoning him and that someone was trying to end his life. For the moment, his brothers have already appeared as private prosecutors in the investigation procedure into the death of this prisoner.


He pimp arrived at the prison Cordoba on August 23, 10 days before his death. Until then, he had been serving his sentence in prison. HuelvaAccording to documents that this newspaper was able to access, in the week that elapsed between his arrival and his apparent death, his family filed up to four legal complaints and one written complaint.

They informed the various judicial authorities (investigation courts and prison supervision courts) that, according to the testimony of the deceased, “was being poisoned by officials of the Penitentiary Center of Cordoba.”

This is what is indicated in a document presented by the Sandulaches’ lawyers before the Cordoba court in charge of the investigation. In this document, the lawyer Rafael Cotta Gallardo insists that the detainee had “requested judicial protection and permission to be examined by foreign doctor in the penitentiary center.” In addition, Cristian Sandulache “was begging for help to respond to requests that put his life in danger for his own survival since his trip to Cordoba.”

This fear for his physical integrity and the treatment he was receiving was brought to the attention of the authorities through successive writings and complaints throughout the week he was in this new centre. As soon as he arrived at the prison, Sandulache’s lawyer received a call from the family. They asked the lawyer to go and see Cristian, because he had called them to tell them that “He feared for his life, saying they wanted to kill him”.

“They poisoned him”

On Saturday, August 24, the lawyer went to the Andalusian prison. He noticed that Cristian was thinner. He said that he had stopped eating. He said that since his arrival the day before, he had been “suffering humiliation from the officials”, who did not allow him to “communicate with his relatives”, who “poisoned him with substances contained in his food” and that they did not allow him to “sleep in his cell”, “because he was told”screams“and they put”noises“which prevented him from “resting.” He also could not “access money to buy food,” according to the prisoner’s complaint recorded in the document presented by Cotto Gallardo.

For all this, he requested “judicial protection.” Sandulache carried out these demonstrations “in the presence of five officials of the center who, visibly interference of attorney-client communication, remained present in the appeal rooms.

Faced with this situation, Sandulache asked his legal representative to file a complaint. This is what the lawyer did, especially before the Instruction Court No. 3 of Córdoba, as guardian. In the briefs he filed before his client was found dead, the lawyer asked the judge to carry out a medical examination of the youngest Sandulache brother, in order to detect if he had been inoculated with some kind of vaccine. harmful substance for your health.

another autopsy

After the discovery of the body inside his cell, his lawyer requested a series of procedures from the investigating judge in order to clarify what happened. Among them, his family requests that a coroner “in whom they have confidence” carry out his own autopsy, once the report issued by the coroners has been sent to the court service.

The lawyer also asked the judge to request the recordings of the cameras in the corridors of module 15 (the maximum security one) of the center between Saturday, August 31 at 2 p.m. and Sunday, September 1 at 9 p.m., as well as the identification of all the officials who served in this area of ​​the prison, who accessed said module or who were in contact with the deceased during this period.

Prison sources They reject the family’s accusations. They also deny having committed mistreatment against the prisoner who was found dead. They stress that there is no evidence of these complaints. They also deny that any employee of the center poisoned or administered any substance to Cristian Sandulache. “Nobody wanted to kill him. In prisons, nobody drugs anyone.”

The Sandaluche clan

Cristian and Sebastian Sandulache were the leaders of a Romanian clan dedicated to human trafficking. They ran two brothels Oviedo and they had been trafficking people for several years since their Romania indigenous. Girls deceived by promising waitress jobs in Asturias.

Once they arrived in Spain, they were forced into prostitution. And that’s not all: they tortured them in the most horrible ways, as they told the court. From beating them to forcing them to eat bills if they didn’t bring in a lot of money after the marathon work days. One night, several young women had to eat 700 euros in small bills because they had obtained little collection.

For years, the Sandulaches imposed a regime of terror on their prostitutes. They had them reduced to slavery, their passports were confiscatedThey almost did not let them leave the house in which they lived in overcrowded conditions, they robbed them and also threatened to kill their relatives in Romania if they did not pay the debt they had contracted with them after falling into their networks.

Eventually, several victims managed to escape and report the incident. One of them did so by writing an SOS message on a napkin. as she was about to board the plane that would take her from Bucharest to Madrid.


In 2019, the Supreme Court confirmed his conviction 55 years in prisonas well as the 53-year prison sentence against his brother Sebastián, pOr three offences of human trafficking in conjunction with three offences of coercive prostitution, seven crimes of coercive prostitution and another crime against workers’ rights, money laundering and injuries. Only Cristian Sandulache was found guilty of this last crime.

The court said the conviction was “sensible” because it described the Sandulache brothers, along with various followers of their clan, as part of an organization since 2010. dedicated to the recruitment of women in Romaniathrough deception and by abusing their precariousness or vulnerability.

Then they took them to Spain to force them to exercise prostitution “under conditions of exploitation and using violence or intimidation, thereby obtaining significant advantages.”

The judgment states that there is no doubt that the Sandulache brothers used violence to achieve their goals and imposed on the victims working conditions that were contrary to human dignity and foreign to any legal and admissible working condition.

“Whatever responsibilities may be required of the owners of the establishments, the services to the victims were provided on behalf of others and within the framework of a relationship of subordination and violence. Women had to work every day of the week without restThey had to deliver 200 euros regardless of the exercise of their activity and, in addition, if they did not go to work for any reason, they had to pay the sum of 200 euros, all this in a context of abuse and violence,” the Supreme Court said in its verdict.




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