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HomeLatest NewsCruises are also for summer

Cruises are also for summer

When looking for where to go on vacation, travelers browse through endless offers until they find the one that best suits their tastes. A large percentage of tourists have shown a tendency towards new adventures that allow them to forget the routine and daily monotony. The decision to choose a cruise to spend your vacation days is increasingly widespread. This type of trip was considered for other times of the year, but now cruises are also made for the summer.

Compared to single destination tourism, choosing to spend a vacation in different areas, knowing different cultures, beaches, countries or cuisines make this type of tourism an exclusive and varied experience. Cruises have the advantage of being a trip in which monotony is not an option, in which not only one destination is visited but there is the possibility of enjoying several during the same trip.

If there is one thing you want to do during your time off, it is to enjoy it to the fullest and this is one of the goals of the cruise industry. Thus, MSC Cruises offers a wide variety of options for the summer months, from luxury cruises to visit not one but six beaches in a single week, to options dedicated to spending time with family visiting a multitude of iconic cities.

One trip, different destinations

One of the alternatives with the best connections from Spain and with a large number of destinations is the Mediterranean route. With all their variants, these routes travel along the coasts of our country, in addition to mooring their fleet on the coasts of one of the most sought-after areas in Europe, such as French Blue Coastand know the history and beauty that make Italy unique.

Another of MSC Cruises’ exceptional packages is the route through the greek islands. Those recognized as the jewels of the Mediterranean They welcome visitors with unparalleled beaches, harmonious architecture and folklore that invites you to get lost from start to finish.

For those looking for something different, further away from the Mediterranean culture, there is one of the routes with the most spectacular and surprising views in the world. It is the Northern Europe Cruisewhich includes the Norwegian fjords. The country, known as the land of the sun at midnight As it never gets dark during the summer months, as well as the excursions on this route, they will not leave indifferent those who moor there.

One journey, a multitude of experiences

The possibility of traveling to different destinations opens up a range of opportunities to discover their cultures and customs, such as local gastronomy and folklore. For example, in the case of Mediterranean gastronomy, it is considered one of the best and most recognized in the world, it extends to all the cities that bathe its waters. Despite many similarities, being surprised by the culinary innovations of the destination constitutes an added value and transforms the cruise into a complete experience.

And, without a doubt, another of the factors that tourists value most and that constitutes a great attraction is the varied folklore and local festivals that take place throughout a cruise.

Sustainable respect

According to recent data from Booking, tourists are increasingly starting to favor sustainable options over others that either are not or do not offer transparency to understand their sustainability strategies.

In this sense, cruises are positioned as one of the tourism options with the greatest sustainable potential. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions, misuse of water, food waste, respect for marine wildlife and local communities where its fleets moor are a fundamental part of MSC Cruises’ principles. In fact, the figures in its 2023 Sustainability Report reflect this.

Thanks to the desalination technology available to the company, it has managed to produce 87.2% of the fresh water consumed on board. In addition, according to the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), a passenger on a standard cruise of approximately seven days spends approximately 690 euros in local businesses, MSC Cruises takes into account the needs and impact on the regions of its itineraries. The company thus offers 78% of its drinks and food from its fleets produced locally. Finally, promoting both sustainability and unique experiences, MSC Cruises has developed a new figure in its teams: protectorswhich, while promoting low-impact tourism, such as cycle paths or hiking, promote initiatives focused on protecting the region’s habitats and species.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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