Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 6:52 pm
HomeTop StoriesCSIC researchers create 'super golden lettuce' 30 times healthier than conventional lettuce

CSIC researchers create ‘super golden lettuce’ 30 times healthier than conventional lettuce

Golden-colored ‘super lettuce’ could become the new jewel of agriculture. His tone hides a super power: it is 30 times healthier than regular products and contains 30 times more beta-carotene.

They consider it to be a “revolutionary breakthrough”a milestone in agricultural science that could help improve the quality of life without sacrificing the aromas and flavors of conventional vegetables.

The CSIC professor of the IBMCP, Manuel Rodríguez, explains to LaSexta that lettuce obtains this color from an “orange pigment” the same that gives the orange color to carrots, for example, although these lettuces appear with a more yellow color.

Beta-carotenes are considered antioxidants and provide approximately 50% vitamin A necessary in the diet. A key nutrient for eye health, strengthening the immune system or for the skin.

“What we have tried is to ensure that this overaccumulation of beta-carotene, which under certain conditions can be harmful to plant photosynthesis, through our strategies we ensure that this does not happen,” explains Rodríguez.

A team of Spanish researchers achieved this by applying biotechnological techniques and high intensity light. The aim is to improve crops to increase their nutritional value.

For his part, the CSIC professor regrets that “if we were not subject to such strict legislation in terms of plant biotechnology”, these superplants “would be on the market”.




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