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HomeLatest NewsCSIF denounces the "complicated situation suffered by prison officials in Castilla-La Mancha"

CSIF denounces the “complicated situation suffered by prison officials in Castilla-La Mancha”


Updated at 10:54 a.m.

THE Independent Trade Union Center and Civil Servants (CSIF)denounced this Tuesday the “complicated situation suffered by the prison staff of Castilla-La Mancha”, taking advantage of the celebration of the patron saint of penitentiary institutions, Our Lady of Mercy.

On the union side, they highlight the “lack of protection suffered by this group of workers due to the numerous attacks carried out by the inmates”, according to what the CSIF itself reported in a press release. A situation in which it calls for an increase in staff, the updating of protocols and the promotion of training, as well as the modernization of the “necessary coercive means”.

The head of the penitentiary institutions of the CSIF Castilla-La Mancha, Natalia Plazasaid that “more means and resources are needed, the attacks, threats and insults are a harsh and sad reality day after day, especially for those who work in the field of surveillance, for all this we ask to be heard and above all that we are respected as a collective.

“The prison staff cannot pay for the administrative problems and poor organisation of the prison. General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions“, which is manifested by the inability to immediately fill vacant positions, the absence of an open and permanent transfer competition, the absence of a professional career and the absence of early retirement,” the union specifies.

Similarly, the CSIF insisted on the need to recognize prison officials as agents of authority, whose parliamentary process continues to be blocked.

The Trade Union Centre also highlighted the lack of medical and health personnel and highlighted the increase in the number of prisoners suffering from psychiatric pathologies for whom there is a lack of specific professionals to meet their needs.

Finally, CSIF requests that the 2024 health surveillance contract be put out to tender “as soon as possible” after the delay of medical examinations “due to a hiring incident”. Likewise, the CSIF asked the General Secretariat to correct the deficiencies detected during the distribution of the new uniform.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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