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HomeBreaking NewsCulture ministers of the COP troika presidencies met in St. Petersburg

Culture ministers of the COP troika presidencies met in St. Petersburg

Today, the culture ministers of the COP28 presidencies of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), COP29 of Azerbaijan and COP30 of Brazil held a tripartite meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia.

About this Oku.AzIt was reported by the Ministry of Culture.

Azerbaijani Culture Minister Adil Karimli, UAE Culture Minister Salim bin Khalid Al Qassimi and Brazilian Culture Minister Margaret Menezes reportedly participated in the meeting, the main aim of which is to determine the programme and format of the Second High-Level Meeting of Culture Ministers to be held within COP29.

Since COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, the role of culture in climate action has begun to gain importance on the international agenda. It should be noted that during COP28 held in Dubai last year, the “Emirates Declaration on Culture-Based Climate Action” was adopted under the presidency of the United Arab Emirates and Brazil. Within this framework, the First High-Level Meeting of Ministers of Culture was held, bringing together more than 30 ministers and government representatives, as well as leaders and representatives of international organizations, covering the role of culture in transformative climate action.

Azerbaijan, for its part, has always paid special attention to this issue and is continuously working to discuss it at the global level. One example of this is the special plenary session with the participation of the world’s leading experts on climate and heritage during the 6th World Forum for Intercultural Dialogue, which took place from 1 to 3 May.

Both ministers thanked the Azerbaijani side for always keeping these issues in mind and promoting them at the international level.

The Ministers of Culture of Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, who also learned about the preparatory work for COP29, highly appreciated the preparatory work and expressed their confidence that COP29 to be held in Baku will be the most memorable event.

At the same time, during the meeting, the ministers exchanged views on additional events and initiatives, including concerts and shows, to be held within the framework of COP29.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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