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HomeBreaking NewsCustoms officials convicted of bribery were acquitted

Customs officials convicted of bribery were acquitted

The case of Orkhan Zohrabov and Miraga Agayev, former employees of the Baku General Customs Department, who were found guilty of accepting bribes and given suspended sentences, has been re-examined.

According to information obtained by “Qafqazinfo”, his case was heard this time in the Sumgayit Court of Appeal.

The customs officers were arrested in 2021 by the General Anti-Corruption Department of the Prosecutor General. The case was first examined legally at the Baku Court of Serious Crimes. According to the verdict, Miraga Agayev was found not guilty and acquitted. Orkhan Zohrabova and several former customs officers charged with him received suspended sentences. They were all released after 10 months.

The verdict of Judge Ali Mammadov did not satisfy the prosecutor. M. Aghayev’s acquittal was overturned on appeal and a suspended sentence was handed down. While O. Zohrabov remained free on a suspended sentence, the others were arrested again.

But this decision was overturned by the Supreme Court in relation to Mirag and Orkhan. This time, the case was sent to the Sumgayit Court of Appeal for re-examination.

The new judicial investigation, which lasted almost a year, ended yesterday. The court presided by Mohammadali Rzayev concluded that the sentence handed down in the first instance to Miraga Aghayev was justified. In addition, Orkhan Zohrabov is also innocent of the accusation. According to the decision, both were acquitted. The rights to claim compensation were also explained.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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