Monday, September 23, 2024 - 1:49 am
HomeLatest NewsDANA passes through Cordoba, which will start the week with rising temperatures

DANA passes through Cordoba, which will start the week with rising temperatures


Thermometers will still reach 30 degrees this Monday, according to Aemet

Two tourists with hats to protect themselves from the sun in Cordoba Merino Valerio

The National Meteorological Agency’s (Aemet) forecast for this weekend, which spoke of a 95 percent probability of rain in the province of Córdoba, has not proven accurate: not a drop in these days. The dreaded DANA, which has wreaked havoc in other regions of the country, has passed through Cordoba.

He forecast This week, we are talking about a rise in temperatures, which they will reach 30 degrees Monday and will remain between 28 and 29 the rest of the days. The forecast allows itself once again to announce rare showers for Thursday (when, in addition, the mercury could rise during the night) and Friday.

Weather forecast in Cordoba de la Aemet


He the sun will shine Most of the week I go out on Wednesdays, when the weather will be cloudy, and the following days, Thursday and Friday, when it is also expected overcast sky.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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