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HomeLatest NewsDANA sweeps this weekend with intense rains and storms throughout Spain

DANA sweeps this weekend with intense rains and storms throughout Spain

AEMET warns of the arrival of a DANA that sweeps this weekend, intense rains and storms are expected throughout Spain. The time will come to start preparing to start autumn early. These are days in which we will embrace this transformation and we will do so keeping in mind a series of changes that will go hand in hand. The weekend of returning to routine is approaching, of returning home that could be in danger because of these rains and that will end up being a harsh reality.

Umbrella in hand and well aware of what really awaits us, the time has come to start thinking about a significant weather change that we will gradually face. It is time to start preparing for a change in temperatures that can be decisive and that we may not yet be ready to visualize. The time will have come to see beyond, hand in hand, a series of elements that go hand in hand. If you want to start making plans, pay close attention to these weather forecasts.

AEMET’s severe warning

The experts keep updating the weather maps, which could cause us a lot of disappointments this weekend. We are facing a major change that could possibly make the difference. This entry into a month of September with important new developments.

These are days when we must begin to see this routine, reestablish it and do it in the best possible way. With changes that will affect us fully and that could end up being the ones that invite us to think a little more about what is going to happen in our daily lives.

THE typical rains of an autumn that seems to arrive earlywill end up being a reality that forces us to be very aware of certain elements that go hand in hand and that could end up being those that mark a before and after. These are undoubtedly days of change for which we are preparing in an exemplary manner.

The new reality that awaits us will end up being a kind of forced end to vacations. Especially if we take into account a weather that does not bring anything good.

A DANA devastates this weekend with intense rains and storms throughout Spain

We better prepare the umbrella, what awaits us is a significant change of course for which perhaps until now we had not had time at all. These are days when we have to say goodbye to the holidays and do it in the best possible way. Be careful on the road and pay close attention to the weather forecast.

AEMET informs us that: “During the weekend of August 30 to September 1, a situation of instability in a large part of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands due to the successive influence of an Atlantic trough and a DANA. Thus, abundant cloudiness is expected in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with showers and thunderstorms that will particularly affect the northern half of the peninsula, and which could be strong and bring hail to large areas, without excluding a less intense form in some areas. of the southeast, the Gulf of Cadiz and the Balearic Islands. On Sunday, the departure of DANA will concentrate the instability in the northeast quadrant of the peninsula, although an Atlantic front will bring new precipitation to Galicia at the end of the day. Temperatures will fluctuate throughout the weekend, without a general trend. The winds will predominate, weak in general, with an easterly component in the Mediterranean area and in the Ebro, northerly and easterly components in the Cantabrian Sea and the far north, and a southerly component in the rest of the peninsula. They will be a little more intense on the coasts of Galicia and in the southeast of the peninsula. In the Canary Islands, more stable weather.”

This instability will last beyond next week: “During the next week, it is likely that the weather will be marked by the influence of a storm located around the British Isles, which will send fronts that will mainly affect the northern and eastern thirds, without dominating. the Balearic Islands. To this must be added daytime clouds that will cause showers and thunderstorms. The most stable area will be the southwest of the peninsula, where precipitation will be less likely according to the scenarios forecast today. Temperatures will drop at the beginning of the week, without a clear trend being observed later. The winds will blow, generally weak, with an eastern component in the Mediterranean area and in the Ebro, northern and eastern components in the Cantabrian Sea and an extreme northern and southern component in the rest of the peninsula.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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