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HomeTop StoriesDaniel Sancho's mother visits him in new prison in Thailand after quarantine

Daniel Sancho’s mother visits him in new prison in Thailand after quarantine

The investment analyst Silvia Bronchalomother of spanish Daniel Sanchosentenced to life sentence in Thailand for the premeditated murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, He visited his son in Surat Thani prison on Friday.after the end of the quarantine period.

Bronchalo entered the visiting area of ​​the prison around 10:00 a.m. (03:00 GMT), as EFE was able to verify, and He left the prison about three hours laterThe visiting area is located in a lower building, adjacent to the central block of the penitentiary, where Sancho was transferred a week ago today.

Sancho, 30, had to complete six days of quarantine upon entering the center, during which he was not allowed to receive visitors or make video calls, which ended yesterday, after he tested negative for Covid-19, according to sources familiar with the matter. This is a common protocol in Thailand since the Covid-19 pandemic, which Sancho has already gone through when he was temporarily admitted to Samui prison on August 7, 2023, five days after the crime that occurred on the neighboring island of Phangan.

That Friday was the first day that Sancho could receive visitors, and his mother had to wait in a room with dozens of people until she entered a room in which communication is done by telephone and with a glass window in the middle. Inmates are entitled to one visit and two video calls per week.

Sancho was transferred yesterday, after completing quarantine, to an adaptation area for new prisoners in Module 6 of Surat Thani Prison, the only one listed as high security on the prison website and intended for inmates serving long sentences, he said today. “, a prison official told EFE. The Spaniard entered Surat Thani Prison a week ago today, on the mainland, in the province of the same name and about a hundred kilometers from Samui, a day after being sentenced to life imprisonment.

The Samui Provincial Court ruling found that Sancho had premeditatedly murdered Arrieta on August 2, 2023, on the island of Phangan, for which he had initially been sentenced to death, reduced to life imprisonment for the Spaniard’s collaboration during the process, among other factors. The judge also found Sancho, who can still appeal the sentence twice, guilty of the two other crimes he was charged with: the dismemberment of Arrieta, then 44, and the theft of her passport.

Although Sancho asked the judge during the sentencing to stay in Samui, that prison does not accept prisoners sentenced to more than 15 years, while Surat Thani Prison accepts prisoners sentenced to between 15 years and the death penalty. Surat Thani Prison is located in a mostly uninhabited area about 600 kilometers south of Bangkok and holds about ten times as many prisoners as Samui, 4,730 men and 626 women, according to the Department of Corrections.




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