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HomeLatest NewsDaniel Sancho's request to his parents who do not want to comply

Daniel Sancho’s request to his parents who do not want to comply

The name of Daniel Sancho has made headlines again. This time, it’s not just because of his prison situation. Thailandwhere he is serving a sentence commuted from death to life imprisonment for the premeditated murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, also for a personal request he has been making since his incarceration: the reconciliation of his parents. Despite their wishes, this request seems to remain a dead letter. Next, we reveal the new blow dealt by the grandson of Sancho Gracia.

It should be recalled that the young leader was arrested in the summer of 2023 after confessing to the Arrieta Murderwhose body he dismembered in an attempt to cover up the crime. In addition, he was responsible for destroying the surgeon’s documents to further complicate the identification of the body. Following these events, he was prosecuted and eventually convicted in Thailand, a country that imposes harsh penalties for violent crimes.

Daniel Sancho was initially given a harsher sentence, but after efforts by his lawyers and in light of mitigating circumstances, his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. He is currently serving his sentence in Surat Thani High Security Prison, a much stricter facility than the prison on Koh Samui island where he was held during his trial.

Daniel Sancho’s parents are on the warpath

Daniel Sancho began receiving visitors after leaving the mandatory isolation he was forced to observe after his transfer to Surat Thani. Silvia Bronchalo was the first to visit him, while his father, Rodolfo Sancho, has decided to leave Thailand shortly after his son’s transfer, apparently with no return date set.

Despite this new phase of his incarceration, nearby sources Daniel’s defense says the young chef is going through an emotionally difficult time. Although he has close relationships with both his parents, the physical and emotional distance between them affects him deeplyAccording to these witnesses, Daniel asked his parents to try to calm the acrimony that had been going on for a long time, a reconciliation that he considered essential to his well-being and that of the whole family.

However, it seems that this request has not been heard. Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo, who have had a distant relationship for several years, have shown no signs of wanting to get closer or resolve their differences. In fact, one of the reasons why he has only received a visit from his mother and not from both parents is precisely to avoid an uncomfortable or tense encounter between them. Rodolfo has already left the countryand his return is uncertain, leaving his son without the comfort he sought.

The situation is now getting complicated.

On a personal level, Daniel Sancho is not only suffering from his family situationespecially because of the harsh conditions he faces in Surat Thani prison. Food is one of the most critical aspects of his daily life, as, according to sources, the Spanish prisoner only receives one plate of rice soup per day. In his previous prison, located in Koh Samui, Sancho had the possibility of receiving external nourishmentbut in the current prison, this option seems restricted, which has worsened his physical and mental situation.

In addition, he was advised to keep a low profile in prison, due to the constant risk of clashes between inmates. The +34 FoundationAn NGO that supports Spanish prisoners abroad, has warned of the risks Sancho faces in his new prison. According to Javier Casado, president of the organization, the risk of fights is very high in this type of establishment and he suggests that the young man stay away from any type of confrontation. even advising him to be “a ghost”They asked him to remain as unnoticed as possible to avoid problems.

Daniel’s future is quite complex

Daniel Sancho’s future looks complicated. Although he is currently in Surat Thani prison, known to be one of the harshest in the country, his situation could worsen in the coming years. Javier Casado warns that in the future he could be transferred to a prison in Bangkok, where conditions are even worse. This prison houses more than 7,000 inmates.even though it only has half the capacity, which causes overcrowding and a much more hostile environment.

The only advantage of this possible transfer would be the proximity of the prison with the capital, which would facilitate visits by lawyers and family members. However, the risk of living with extremely dangerous prisoners is a reality that Sancho will have to face in the future if his transfer to the prison of Bangkok. We will have to wait a little while to see how this all ends, but for now the news is not encouraging.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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