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“Data breaks history”

A total of 5,900 people asked the sex change since the entry into force of the Trans law, whose civil status rejected 85 applications (1.44% of the total) and there were eight withdrawals and five files expired without finalizing the registration modification.

These are figures provided this Thursday by the Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo, who pointed out that “Data breaks history” and that the Trans law is applied “normally” and helps make life easier and alleviate the suffering of people whose stories are full of frustration and difficulty.

During his appearance before the Equality Commission of the Congress of Deputies, Redondo assured that civil registry officials “do their job well” and that when they suspect fraud against the law, they reject the request for a sex change.

He also warned that the Sex-changing attackers “they will not be able to avoid answering for the crimes of gender violence“engaged.

Redondo denounced the existence of “organizations that, with a clear strategy of questioning the law, try to promote fraud”: “The problem is not the law, which in the vast majority of cases is applied correctly, the problem lies in those who abuse it,” he said.

In this sense, he argued that those who commit fraud against the law will face two problems: they will have to face the consequences of crimes derived from violent attitudes and face the fraud against the law, prohibited by the Civil Code.

“Our priority is protect women victims of violence and also move forward in defending the rights of LGTBI+ people, in the face of those who seek to turn back the clock. And I will tell you that those who insist on this irresponsible attitude are not only discrediting this law and the rights of this group, but also our own constitutional legal system,” warned the Minister of Equality.

“The problem is not the law, it’s the violence”

It is in the persecution of the fraudster and those who encourage him, he demanded, that the emphasis must be placed. “If there is fraud, it is detected, reported and intervened, as is the case with any other law,” he said, adding that there are “sufficient instruments” to ensure that the standard is properly applied.

These instruments are, as detailed, the law itself which establishes that an aggressor will have to answer for his crimes of gender violence even if he changes sex, the actions of the civil registry and the intervention of the public prosecutor, which must guarantee the proper organization of the judicial system.

Likewise, he stressed, if the abuses reach the courts, the judges will clarify responsibilities.

The problem is not the law, it is the criminals, the sexists, the violent and the fraudsters.“Our priority is to protect victims of violence and to advance the rights of people from the LGTBI community,” he insisted. on cases of fraud against the Trans law sex-changing attackers to avoid convictions for gender-based violence.

In this sense, Redondo accused “those with maximalist positions who have tried and continue to try to discredit and attack equal rights and policies aimed at eliminating the barriers that prevent equity, in this case, for LGTBI+ people.”

Likewise, Redondo described as “inhuman and antidemocratic” the attitudes that, according to him, contribute to “continuing judging, cornering and harming an extremely vulnerable group and historically defenseless trans people.




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